Des Moines 4/26/2011 9:38:46 PM
News / Finance

Ron Paul is scheduled to make a special announcement in Iowa

By: Daun Lee

Republican congressman Ron Paul of Texas is planning to make an important announcement this afternoon in Iowa. There is the assumption that Paul, who ran in 2008, will reveal his intentions for the 2012 Presidential race. The GOP presidential contenders are beginning to pronounce their candidacies. At this time no one is sure if Ron Paul is going to run, but he has been making public appearances to voice his views on how government should be run.

Ron Paul is a former doctor who has libertarian leanings, and has the backing of some Tea Party members. He believes in a smaller federal government, and opposes the Federal Reserve. Ron Paul also believes the federal income tax is unconstitutional, and if elected would eliminate and balance the budget through excise taxes, fees and spending cuts. On his official website, Ron Paul states “The ridiculous complexity of the tax laws makes compliance a nightmare for both individuals and businesses.”

The federal income tax has only been around since 1913. Since that time, people have rebelled against income taxes or avoided them through the many loopholes in the tax code or by not paying. Paying off your income tax bill can be impossible, and for those who have difficulties or simply can’t pay, a tax attorney may be their only option. The penalties and fees that are attached to late tax payments grow quickly and become so overwhelming that a tax lawyer is needed to intercede with the IRS.

(Sources: USA Today and