Santa Clarita 5/11/2011 2:57:41 AM
News / Finance

Santa Clarita Estate Planning Lawyer Robert Mansour Offers Free Wills and Trusts Seminars

Santa Clarita estate planning attorney Robert Mansour is offering a free, easy-to-understand seminar titled “Estate Planning 101.” He believes that education is key when it comes to estate planning, as many people find the subject matter intimidating and confusing. 

Robert explains, “Some people think estate planning is only for old and wealthy people. My mission is to explain to people that estate planning is not just for the old and wealthy. If you think about it, wealthy people are wealthy for a reason! They utilize the very same pools that are available to every person - tools such as living trusts, advance health care directives, wills, and other legal tools.” Therefore, his message is that wealthy people are not wealthy by mistake.  They simply use the legal tools that most average people assume is not intended for them. 

Robert further explains, “That’s why most wealth in this country is lost within one or two generations. Average people simply think estate planning is not for them. They don’t understand what it’s about. The term ‘estate’ misleads many to think they need to live in a mansion. The truth is, ‘the less you have, the more you have to lose!’ We need to learn from wealthy people…do as they do and protect what we have.”

 Robert has been asked to give seminars before many church groups, business groups, financial advisers, and others who want to learn more about the fundamentals of wills and living trusts and other estate planning tools.  Robert states, "Think about's like having a legal toolbox with different tools that can be used depending on what happens.  Most people don't have a legal toolbox. Usually, when something happens to them, it's simply too late."

 Seminars are free, and Robert does his best to keep it engaging and interesting. He states, “I want to demystify this for people! This is not rocket science, and I want to empower people to help themselves.” Many people have complemented Robert about his ability to make a complicated subject interesting and easy to understand.

Questions answered by the seminar include the following: why do people avoid estate planning; what is a living trust and how does it differ from a simple will; what is a durable power of attorney; why bother creating an estate plan; why does joint tenancy leads to unintentional disinheritance; how can you understand estate taxes and its implications when it comes to estate planning; what if you do absolutely nothing; what about minor children; and who should inherit your life insurance policy. 

If you want Santa Clarita, California estate planning lawyer Robert Mansour to give a presentation to your group, please contact him at his website: or call (661) 414-7100. Robert not only practices estate planning, wills and trusts, but also devotes a portion of his practice to personal injury matters.

Attorney Robert Mansour is a member of the national attorney network on

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