Boston, MA 7/30/2011 2:06:39 PM
News / Finance

AAA: Gold Price Spike 'Indicative' of Appetite for Alternative

Gold prices are already at record levels of $1,600 per ounce as more and more investors and fund managers opt for these kinds of alternative assets in an attempt to find safe havens for their cash. With US debt concerns reaching fever-pitch and Eurozone countries requiring a fresh round of bailouts, traditional investments seem like a more risky option.

AAA’s analysis partner, Anthony Johnson, said, “Everyone from individuals with a few hundred pounds to invest, to some of the world’s largest central banks, are investing in gold.

“Traditional assets like equities are a higher risk strategy than they used to be and investors are keen to diversify their portfolios with some alternatives that will not be as responsive should the economic crisis worsen."

AAA is keen to encourage investment in emerging markets and particularly in ethical and sustainable projects such as the forestry plantations run by firms like Greenwood Management in Brazil. “Emerging markets are offering true growth potential for investors and are proving far more attractive as concerns about sovereign debt levels worsen in the US and Europe," added Johnson.

Heath Jansen a Citigroup analyst said, “When investors are hungry for gold, the metal has a habit of rising exponentially which has no parallel amongst metals.”

He added that gold prices could spike in the short term but that long-term price increases are less likely: “A short-term large spike in gold is still possible in our view. We would now rate that probability as above 25 per cent, up from below 5 per cent just weeks ago, and growing.”

Anthony Johnson
Alternative Asset Analysis
71 Commercial St
Boston, MA 02109-1320