New York 8/17/2011 10:27:59 PM
Utility Stocks Cashing In, VE, SJW, NST, EP, SUG Reports
Veolia Environnement (ADR pressed higher by $0.6, moving the stock price to $16.6. Shares of Veolia Environnement (ADR have traded as high as $33.86 per share and as low as $13.68 in the last year.
Shares of SJW Corp. (SJW) moved 2.8% higher to $23.12 per share in today's trading. In the last 12 months, SJW Corp. has seen a high of $28.0 and a low of $20.89 per share.
NSTAR was up 1.83% today, moving to $43.7165 per share. 132,701 shares were traded so far in today's session. On average, a total of 338,509 shares are exchanged in NST each day.
El Paso Corporation (EP) pressed higher by $0.46, moving the stock price to $19.54. 1 million shares were traded so far in today's session. On average, a total of 11 million shares are exchanged in EP each day.
Shares of Southern Union Company (SUG) was up 2.23% today, moving to $42.56 per share. Stock volume in Southern Union Company was 788,731 shares in the trading session.