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Russian natural gas monopoly OAO Gazprom (GAZP.RS) Deputy Chairman Alexander Medvedev said he Tuesday he doesn't expect the recession will result in a considerable decline in gas demand in Europe.
"We must not forget that the first quarter of 2009 was a peak price quarter and we expect demand will stabilize once prices come down further," Medvedev told reporters at a press conference on the sidelines of a conference hosted by the Russian Gas Society.
Medvedev said he expects Gazprom's customers will mostly stick to the contractually agreed quantities of gas supply.
Nobel winner Muhammad Yunus says microfinance lending to the poor can return the economy to health. Forget multibillion-dollar bailouts. Muhammad Yunus thinks the solution to the global financial crisis can be found in loans of much smaller size, backed with more prosaic assets: ducks, chickens, and cows.
The 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner, who founded microfinance pioneer Grameen Bank in 1974, made his name lending tiny sums of money to poor women in his native Bangladesh. To date his bank (the name comes from the Sanskrit word for "village") has lent out $6 billion, making it one of the world's top microfinance institutions. Currently 8 million borrowers take out $100 million each month, paying it back 99% of the time.
The Board of Royal Dutch Shell plc announced today that Mrs Linda Cook will resign as Executive Director of the Company on 1st June 2009. She has served the Company for 29 years of which the last 5 years as Executive Director of Gas & Power, Shell Trading, Global Solutions and Technology.
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