Tokyo 10/6/2011 3:20:25 PM
News / Finance

Tokyo Bay Traders Announces Commitment to Disability Action Plan

Tokyo Bay Traders: today announced a new Disability Action Plan to better meet the needs of customers and staff with a disability.

Developed as part of Tokyo Bay Traders Customer Disability Anti-Discrimination Policy, the Disability Action Plan follows consultation with disability advocacy groups and the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.

The new Disability Action Plan plan commits Tokyo Bay Traders to address accessibility and useability issues in five areas:

Communication – ensure customer information is clear, accessible and usable by people with a disability. This includes the introduction of improved print size on brochures and assistance from interpreters for the hearing impaired.

Access to premises – This includes a new Property Access Review Panel to ensure legislative requirements on property access are being met and
ongoing consultation with disability advocacy groups on access issues.

Improved access to products and services – creation of a Product and Service Review

Advisory Panel to ensure requirements of customers with a disability are met in the development of investment products and services and commitment to meet voluntary industry standards for on line services within 18 months where feasible.

Staff awareness and training – increase staff knowledge of disability issues through upgraded awareness training and the integration of disability issues in product-related training programs.

Foster a diverse and inclusive workplace – a commitment to working with advocacy groups to develop work placement programs for people with a disability and to identify high caliber people who will contribute to the diversity of the workplace.

Tokyo Bay Traders Head of Wealth Management, Mr Fabien Le Boueff, said the development of the Disability Action Plan was measurable action to improve the way it deals with customers who have a disability.

“The Disability Action Plan is a commitment to ensure our products and services are accessible to everyone and that our workplaces are welcoming and inclusive of people with a disability,” said Mr Le Boueff.

Tokyo Bay Traders will measure the effectiveness of its Disability Action Plan through yearly reviews of progress against key milestones and feedback from customers, staff and the community.

About Tokyo Bay Traders:
Tokyo Bay Traders is a financial services company focused on helping clients manage and service their financial ambitions, providing fast, reliable advice and execution on over 50 markets. Tokyo Bay Traders offers investment management and investment services through a fully trained, client focused team.

Miki Miyaki
Tokyo Bay Traders
Shiodome/Shibarikyu Building
Kaigan, Minato-Ku
Tokyo, Japan 105-0022