RIMM - Analysts Mixed On Research in Motion Ltd.'s Fiscal First-quarter Results - Sourced WhisperFromWallStreet.com

Research In Motion Limited

SYMC,MSFT - Software giant Microsoft Corp Launching Free PC Security Service - Sourced WhisperFromWallStreet.com

Symantec Corporation - Microsoft Corporation

AMGN - Shares of Amgen May Receive Boost - Sourced WhisperFromWallStreet.com

Amgen Inc.

GILD - Gilead Sciences, Inc. announced Corporate Presentation Webcast from the Piper Jaffray - Sourced WhisperFromWallStreet.com

Gilead Sciences, Inc.

AGO - Assured Guaranty Denies Funds From Wilbur Ross - Sourced WhisperFromWallStreet.com

Assured Guaranty Ltd.

EBAY - eBay Inc. Announced Completion of Tender Offer For Outstanding Shares - Sourced WhisperFromWallStreet.com

eBay Inc.

AMAT - Manufacturers of Equipment to Create Semiconductors Reported Orders of $288.5 million. - Sourced WhisperFromWallStreet.com

Applied Materials, Inc.

DELL - Dell signs five year outsourcing contract with WellPoint, Inc. - Sourced WhisperFromWallStreet.com

Dell Inc.

NWSA - News Corp sees fair competition in the Italian TV sector - Sourced WhisperFromWallStreet.com

News Corporation

BAC- Chief Executive Ken Lewis approached by former Merrill Lynch executives - Sourced WhisperFromWallStreet.com

Bank of America Corporation

C - Citigroup Touted as Only True International Bank - Sourced WhisperFromWallStreet.com

Citigroup Inc.

INTC - Ajay Bhatt and Joshua Smith of Intel at Intel Science Fair - Sourced WhisperFromWallStreet.com

Intel Corporation

CSCO - Cisco Systems, Inc. Up 0.37% With Early Trading - Sourced WhisperFromWallStreet.com

Cisco Systems, Inc.

MSFT - E-Trade prices 435 million share - price falls - Sourced WhisperFromWallStreet.com

Microsoft Corporation

"After Hours Most Active" - VZ, INTC - sourced WhisperfromWallStreet.com

ETFC - E-Trade prices 435 million share - price falls - Sourced WhisperFromWallStreet.com

E*TRADE Financial Corporation

"After Hours Most Active" - XOM,JNJ - sourced WhisperfromWallStreet.com

"After Hours Most Active" - CSCO,PFE - sourced WhisperfromWallStreet.com

"After Hours Most Active" - BAC,JPM - sourced WhisperfromWallStreet.com

"After Hours Most Active" - JCI,CAT - sourced WhisperfromWallStreet.com

Johnson Controls, Inc - Caterpillar Inc