
Pure Air Control Services Presents Steam Coil Cleaning Research Findings To EPA CIAQ Group

With rising energy costs, lower maintenance budgets and decreased indoor air quality are challenges facing every facility manager, both private and public, across the country.


Controlling Asthma & Allergy Triggers Through Identification

Indoor environmental screening of the home or work environment is important for individuals with allergies, chronic sinusitis, rhinitis, emphysema, asthma, atopic dermatitis, immune deficiencies, etc


Indoor Exposure to Endotoxins …A Health Hazard

The main source of endotoxin contamination in indoor environments is the result of infestation of Gram-negative bacteria.


Pure Air Control Services Offers Energy Solutions, Adds Jobs

The firm is now growing its staff to include additional technical field representatives, administration, sales and marketing team members.


Gulf Coast Review Ranks Pure Air Control Services in Top 500

The special feature, “Gulf Coast 500,” is considered to be one of the most comprehensive lists of companies based on the Gulf Coast of Florida and featuring the 500 largest companies from Tampa to Naples based on revenues.


Pure Air Control Services Improves Learning Environment with Innovative Energy Strategies

With energy costs rising, Florida State University (FSU), a major Florida university, took a close look at HVAC maintenance, including the total operating cost of its HVAC system.


How Safe is the Air Quality in Your Home? Test Your Nest Screen Check Will Tell You

In keeping with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) 1997 recommendations, it is desirable to identify and remove common allergens and modify the home or office to reduce the level of ubiquitous (common) allergens.


2013 Florida Building & Facility Maintenance Show Features Energy Savings & Improved IAQ via PURE-Steam Coil Cleaning

Dr. Rajiv Sahay and Francisco Aguirre will be presenting a free seminar on The IAQ / MOLD Cliff: A Higher Priority for Facilities on April 24 at 10:10am Room A (50 min. plus 10 min. for Q & A).


Mold and Rust found in Sterile Compounding Pharmacies by FDA

The FDA said Thursday it issued inspection reports to all but one of the pharmacies citing unsanitary conditions and quality control problems, including: rust and mold in supposedly sterile rooms, inadequate ventilation, and employees wearing non-sterile lab coats


PURE-Steam Deep Coil Cleaning Saves Energy While Improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

A recent research paper published in the Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) magazine on Evaluation of Steam Cleaning in AHU Coil Sanitization and Energy Conservation emphasizes both the energy impact as well as environmental impact.


Are all Black Molds Toxic?

Taxonomically, fungi are classified as eukaryotic organisms. These organisms are devoid of chlorophyll and their cell wall is made up of chitin and glucans


Research Concludes the Effectiveness of Steam Cleaning of HVAC Coils

These accumulated contaminants restrict the air flow pathway and cause excess energy consumption, while contaminants like bacteria and mold (fungi) adversely impact human health by causing allergies and other infections or diseases.


Energy Savings & Improved IAQ via PURE-Steam Coil Cleaning Showcased at 2013 Florida Building & Facility Maintenance Show

Dr. Rajiv Sahay and Francisco Aguirre will be presenting a free seminar on The IAQ / MOLD Cliff: A Higher Priority for Facilities on April 24 at 10:10am


Pathogenic Bacteria Associated with HAI Isolated within HVAC Evaporator Coils

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen, meaning that it exploits some break in the host defenses to initiate an infection.


What are the Health Effects of Fiberglass?

The main sources of fiberglass particles in indoor environments includes, but are not limited to, ceiling tiles, debris from renovation projects, or degradation of HVAC system liners.


Staphylococcus aureus Poses Threat for Indoor Environments

A survey taken by the Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory reveals that these bacteria may be recorded in and around both in residential as well as commercial building environment.

Mold, Taxes and Death – What is the Commonality?

The difference between a capital expense and business expense is in the words “repair” versus “renovation”. A “repair” saves the value of your home and is a necessary and ordinary expense, while a “renovation” adds value. Mold removal is considered a repair since it does not


Healthier Schools Can Lead To Smarter Students

Now, data suggests that poor IAQ can reduce a person’s ability to perform specific mental tasks requiring concentration, calculation, or memory.


Proposed ASHRAE Legionella Standard 188 Provides Best Practices to Limit Liability

“Up to 70% of all buildings greater than three stories in the US may be contaminated with legionella.”


The Hidden Dangers Lurking within the HVAC System

One emerging organisms is Staphylococcus aureus which has been isolated within the evaporator coils of HVAC systems.