
Funding Future Family Generations and Charities Are Great Exit Strategies

Estate Planning Is Associated with the Wealthy, But It Should be Associated with Benevolence


The Programs Are in Place to Serve Veterans in Retirement

Know the Qualifications for Aid & Attendance Pension Benefits


VA Pension Benefits Are the Reward for Service in Retirement

VA Non-Service-Connected Benefits for Retirement, Disability & Long-Term Care


The Wounds of Wars Need the Healing Compassion of the Country

VA Service-Connected Benefits for the Injured, Imprisoned & Heroic


Most Vets Aren’t Aware of Their VA Benefits

It Can Be Difficult to Understand Service Connected and Non-Service-Connected Benefits


The History of Veterans’ Benefits Dates to the Revolutionary War

VA Benefits to Those Who Served Is a Sacred Trust


Poor Health and Dependency Usually Creates the “No-Go” Years in Retirement

Medical and Elder Care Costs May Be Deferred, but If You Live Long Enough, They Can’t be Eliminated.


Impacting People and Charities You Care about

Generational Giving to Kids, Grandkids, Great Grandkids and Favorite Charities


Probate is Too Public, Too Expensive and So Impersonal

Who Needs Their Information Hacked When Probate Makes It So Public?


Keep Uncle Sam out of Your Pocket in Retirement

Increase Your Retirement Income by Becoming Tax-Savvy


Matching Guarantee Retirement Expenses with Guaranteed Income

Use Guaranteed Lifetime Income to Pay for Guaranteed Budget Items


Quit Spending Down Your Assets to Qualify for State Protection

Your Retirement Dreams May Quickly Regress into a Nightmare


Quit Spending Down Your Assets to Qualify for State Protection

Your Retirement Dreams May Quickly Regress into a Nightmare


Keep Uncle Sam out of Your Pocket & Increase Your Retirement Income

Get Tax Savvy and Save Some Serious Cash


Most Seniors Near Retirement Have No Goals, No Plans, No Clue

Most Seniors Enter Retirement Without Having Used a Budget, Much Less a Retirement Plan


Advisers Should Be Stewarts and the Most Trusted Family Adviser

Handling Someone Else’s Money is a Sacred Trust That is Earned


You Can’t Always Land on Your Feet After A Financial Fall, But the Landing May Be Softer

You Don’t Have 9 Lives, But These 9 Disciplines Could Help You with Your Money


In the Abundance of Counselors There May Be Safety

Do It Yourselfers Need Diversity of Input & Opinion in Retirement Planning


Risk Tolerance Tests Should be Part of Your Financial Profile

An Understanding of Risk Tolerance Can Provide the Guardrails on Your Retirement Road


A Simplified Approach to Retirement

Building a basic retirement strategy should include these simple prioritized steps