
Missing Person Bulletin - We need your help!

Dana Rishpy missing since 2007, but we have a person of interest and need your help.


Missing American in Haiti - Ruth Hodges

Missing Tampa woman listed at The Missing Person Center


Missing American in Haiti - Jim Birch

Missing business name listed at The Missing Person Center


Haiti Missing People Directory

The Missing Person Center is not accepting missing person profiles from Haiti


Don’t spend the holidays wondering where your child is . . .

10 Keys to keeping them safe during the holidays.


Missing Person Center - A child goes missing every 40 seconds . . .

Learn how to keep your family safe and join for free!


Why Are Our Children Vanishing?

Too many children and vanishing and parents need to take responsibility for the safety of their kids.


Pilots Using "Laptops", Maybe . . .

Are those Northwest Airlines pilots willing to get fired for using laptops instead of having the truth exposed?


Missing Persons - Is the curtain closing on your case?

The Missing Person Center opened online today and is ready to shed new light on current and cold missing person cases.


Why is it called a "Cockpit" Anyway?

Northwest Pilots facing serious questions about whay they overshot their landing by 150 miles.


Missing Person Radio - Worldwide

Missing Person Expert starts radio program to find people.