. The dealer can generate revenue by offering an additional service to their existing clients and thus bypassing the excessive money required to break into a new market and develop new clients.
Washington, DC
The latest product offering is the Organic Vapor Screen Check (OVSC) that allows the occupant the ability to screen for over 40 common indoor chemicals. The OVSC will provide concentration of each chemical isolated and all have occupational expo ...
The HVAC industry has been searching for a method to help their clients with identifying and measuring levels of the indoor environmental contaminants. As recent as 10 years ago, the #1 request from a leading HVAC manufacturer and their HVAC cont ...
According to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates, one in every 15 homes nationwide has a high radon level at or above the recommended radon action level of 4 picoCuries (pCi/L) per liter of air.