Announcing Normality Tests for Microsoft Excel
The normality test in the QI Macros SPC Software for Excel delivers not one, but four ways to assess normality.
The normality test in the QI Macros SPC Software for Excel delivers not one, but four ways to assess normality.
The delays, defects and deviation in most healthcare situations can be dramatically reduced using the methods and tools of Lean Six Sigma.
KnowWare International Inc. in cooperation with E=mc3 Solutions announces the addition of an Measurement Uncertainty Calculator to the QI Macros SPC (statistical process control) software for Excel. Laboratories seeking to comply with ISO/IEC 170 ...
KnowWare International Inc. announces the addition of two new Text Analysis tools to the QI Macros SPC (statistical process control) software for Excel.
KnowWare International Inc. announces a free, online version of their Motivation Profile that you can use to discover your strengths for Lean Six Sigma.
KnowWare International Inc. announces the addition of Matrix Plots to the QI Macros SPC (statistical process control) software for Excel.