Narconon Arrowhead Supports Drug Abuse Prevention in San Francisco

The challenges school aged children face and how we can prevent drug abuse among them before it starts

Narconon Arrowhead Provides Drug Rehab for San Francisco Residents

Could drug rehab have saved the King of Pop

Narconon Arrowhead Provides Inpatient Rehab for San Francisco Residents

Methamphetamine is the primary drug threat in California not to mention the easy availability of cocaine, heroin, club drugs and illegally obtained prescription drugs indicating an urgent need for drug education and inpatient rehabilitation.

Narconon Arrowhead Provides Alcohol Rehab for San Francisco Residents

Alcohol-related problems cost the city of San Francisco an estimated $175 million annually indicating an urgent need for alcohol education and effective alcohol rehabilitation.

Los Angles Drug Abuse Prevention Programs are Supported by Narconon Arrowhead

D.A.R.E is helping Los Angeles youth to stay free from drugs

Narconon Arrowhead Supports Drug Abuse Prevention Programs for New York Residents

New York receives grant designated to helping prevent drug abuse

Narconon Arrowhead says that there is a real need for drug rehab in Los Angeles

Los Angeles is well known as a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, what is being done to stop the drug abuse and trafficking to make Los Angeles a safer place?

Narconon Arrowhead Supports Inpatient Rehab for Los Angeles Residents

Los Angeles is a major storage and transshipment point for illicit drugs, which in turn makes drugs readily available for Los Angeles residents signifying an urgent need for effective drug and alcohol education along with effective inpatient rehab.

Narconon Arrowhead Supports Outpatient Drug Rehab for New York Residents

Work release inmates receive outpatient treatment in upstate New York

Narconon Arrowhead Provides Drug Rehab for New York Residents

Investing in New York’s safety by expanding Judges ability to sentence non-violent drug addicts to drug rehab instead of jail time

Narconon Arrowhead Provides Drug Rehab for Minneapolis Residents

Drug rehab is needed to help alcoholics and other substance abusers in Minneapolis as well as around the world

Narconon Arrowhead Reminds Communities to have a Safe Independence Day

In celebrating our Independence we should be careful not to lose our lives due to drugs and alcohol.

Narconon Arrowhead Supports Drug Abuse Prevention for Minneapolis Residents

Drug abuse prevention strategy’s working to reduce the abuse of methamphetamine addiction in Minneapolis

Narconon Arrowhead Supports Outpatient Drug Rehab for Minneapolis Residents

Mexican heroin is affecting the Twin Cities and residents want to know how outpatient treatment can help.

Narconon Arrowhead Supports Outpatient Drug Rehab for Phoenix Residents

Can outpatient drug rehab do the trick for Phoenix’s growing addicted population?

Narconon Arrowhead Provides Drug Rehab for Minneapolis Residents

Drug court helps criminal offenders get substance abuse help.

Narconon Arrowhead Supports Outpatient Drug Rehab for Chicago Residents

Drug treatment for offenders is a top priority in Chicago

Narconon Arrowhead Provides Alcohol Rehab for Los Angeles Residents

In Los Angeles County California in 2006, 300 people were killed and 7,718 people were injured in alcohol related accidents showing a dire need for alcohol education and effective alcohol rehabilitation.

Narconon Arrowhead Supports Drug Abuse Prevention for Phoenix Residents

Drug abuse prevention is a must especially in Phoenix where drugs, guns, money and human smuggling is a major threat to public safety.

Narconon Arrowhead Supports Drug Abuse Prevention for Chicago Residents

Talking to kids can help us prevent drug abuse.