There are several telltale signs that a person may have sleep apnea and once properly diagnosed, Dr. David DiGiallorenzo can make a custom oral device to correct the problem.
Since Dr. David DiGiallorenzo began offering laser periodontal treatment earlier this year, its application has expanded to include treatment of chronic oral inflammatory disease.
Dr. David DiGiallorenzo recently added two nutritional supplement product lines to his practice because studies show nutritional improvements promotes improved periodontal health.
Dr. David Digiallorenzo purchased a PerioLase from Millennium Dental Technologies in May 2009 and since then, patient satisfaction among those who have undergone laser therapy has been 100 percent.
Dr. David DiGiallorenzo, DDS, takes his expertise of dental implants to Hawaii, hosting a presentation on the leading dental implant procedures to local practitioners.
The American Academy of Periodontology has selected Dr. David DiGiallorenzo to host a panel on soft-tissue grafting and dermis allografting at the 95th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology.