Big Brother 15 Week 11 Updates: Nomination Choices and A Reward

After Amanda was evicted McCrae won HOH in the double eviction. He sent Elissa packing, indicating that Andy’s plan to frame Elissa for his vote against Amanda worked. McCrae now remains in the house with the 4 members of the Exterminator allianc ...

Big Brother 15 Week 11 Spoilers: HOH Competition Results

The only person left standing in the way of the Exterminators making it to the final 4 together is McCrae. Getting McCrae on the block this week is going to be a super easy task since his HOH win during the double eviction makes him ineligible to ...

Big Brother 15 Week 10 Double Eviction Recap

Just when it looked like Amanda had no shot at gathering the necessary votes to remain in the Big Brother house, she was able to convince her biggest enemy to vote for her to stay. Amanda, still believing that Andy is loyal to her, approaches Eli ...

Big Brother 15 Week 10: Spoilers And An Eviction Prediction

Amanda’s bratty and demanding behavior finally caught up to her this week. HOH GinaMarie put her on the chopping block alongside McCrae. McCrae then won the Power of Veto which opened up an opportunity for both of them to stay in the game. The wi ...

Big Brother 15 Week 10 POV Recap: Amanda Blows Up Again

The aftermath of Amanda and McCrae’s nomination wasn’t pretty. Amanda’s shock soon turned to anger at not getting her way. She screams about it not making since that GinaMarie wouldn’t nominate Elissa and concludes that it must mean GinaMarie is ...


Aperion Audio Consolidates Its Home Theater Offerings

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Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 10 POV Results

With Amanda’s behavior finally rubbing the houseguests the wrong way it was evitable that she and McCrae would find themselves on the block together soon, and it was GinaMarie who finally pulled the trigger. The entire house blindside McCranda by ...


Interglobe Music LLC Signs Management Deal with the First Winner of Vodacom Superstar Innocent Didace Balume

Interglobe Music, today signed a management contract with Congolese Idol and first winner of the Vodacom Superstars.

Big Brother 15 Week 10 Spoilers: New Head Of Household

After Aaryn’s eviction last night the houseguests started an Easter-themed Head of Household competition in which they had to use their fingers to maneuver eggs through a chicken wire maze. The first houseguest to collect 12 eggs in their basket ...

Big Brother 15 Eviction Predictions Week 9: Aaryn or Andy?

The 3 A.M. alliance was officially over the second Andy went up on the block alongside Aaryn at the POV ceremony. That left Amanda and McCrae to decide between two of their allies and it was determined almost immediately that Aaryn would be going ...

Big Brother 15 Spoilers Week 9: Veto Ceremony Results

Elissa is running the house this week and the 3 A.M. alliance is in trouble. McCrae and Aaryn are nominated for eviction. Elissa is targeting Aaryn and has a secondary plan of backdooring Amanda if the time is right.

Big Brother 15 Week 9 Spoilers: Who Won The Veto?

Judd’s return to the game and Elissa’s nominations promised to make this a tough week for the 3 A.M. alliance. Elissa put Aaryn and McCrae on the block. Her plan is to send Aaryn packing or backdoor Amanda. The backdoor plan hinges on who wins th ...

Big Brother 15 Week 9 Recap: Power Shifts With Judd’s Return And Elissa’s HOH Win

After Helen’s eviction last week, the houseguests learned the jury members were returning to compete for a second shot at the game. The jury members, including Helen, competed alongside the houseguests in the week 9 HOH competition. The baseball- ...

Big Brother 15 Week 9 Spoilers: HOH Results, A Juror Enters The Game

When the live eviction show ended last night, the houseguests and the jury members were competing in a baseball themed challenge that required them to catch balls as they balanced on a moving ledge. The object of the competition was to catch 10 b ...

Big Brother 15 Week 8 Eviction Recap: Helen Is Evicted, Gets The Chance To Return

Elissa may have won the POV, but Helen knows that it doesn’t put an end of their troubles. Andy’s behavior has her entertaining suspicions that he isn’t actually on her side, so she turns on the tears and tells him that he is the swing vote this ...

Big Brother 15 Week 8 Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Results

Aaryn stayed true to her 3 A.M. alliance and nominated Elissa and Helen for eviction. 3 A.M. – which consists of Amanda, McCrae, Andy and Aaryn – want Helen evicted this week because she has been trying to get Amanda or McCrae out of the house.


Filmmaker Jared Lee Masters Wins 2013 EOTM Award for Best Horror Film for "Slink"

Dawna Lee Heising of "Eye on Entertainment" Plays Purse Designer Joan in "Slink" and Wins 2013 EOTM Award for Outstanding Talk Show Host

Big Brother 15 Week 8 Spoilers: POV Competition Results

Aaryn won her fourth Head of Household competition last week and nominated Helen and Elissa for eviction. Helen is the target, but remains unaware of it because she is close with Aaryn and has a (fake) secret alliance with McCrae and Andy. She be ...

Big Brother 15 Week 8 Nominations Recap: Aaryn Sticks With 3 A.M.

Aaryn’s fourth HOH wins puts her in a sticky situation – she is close to Helen, but is in the secret 3 A.M. alliance with Amanda, McCrae and Andy. The 3 A.M. alliance’s next target is Helen because Helen tried to get Andy to go after Amanda and M ...

Big Brother 15 Week 7 Eviction Recap: Jessie Stirs Up Trouble

Andy was determined for his HOH reign to be drama free, so he instructed everyone to lie to Jessie about their votes. He told her she wasn’t his target and Spencer was. Andy told Spencer the same thing, but the difference was that he wasn’t lying ...