Big Brother 15 Week 7 Eviction Predictions: Jessie Or Spencer?

Jessie has survived the chopping block for the past two weeks, but it looks like her luck as finally run out. HOH Andy nominated her alongside Spencer this week simply because those nominations would make the least waves in the house. Neither Spe ...

Big Brother 15 Week 7 Spoilers: Was Andy Forced To Name A Replacement Nominee?

After Thursday’s double eviction, Andy won the Head of Household competition. He nominated Jessie and Spencer for eviction because he has alliances and close relationships with everyone else in the house.

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 7 POV Winner

Shortly after Judd’s blindside at the double eviction, the houseguests competed in the next Head of Household competition. Andy became the new HOH in his first win of the season. Since he has alliances on both sides of house, Andy took the safe w ...

DVD And Blu Ray Releases This Week: August 13

DVD and Blu Ray movie releases for Tuesday, August 13:

Big Brother 15 Recap: Week 7 HOH And Nominations

Last night’s Big Brother episode begins with a rewind to Thursday’s double eviction. Candice, Spencer and Amanda are on the chopping block. Candice knows she is the target, so she spends her last few minutes in the game slamming HOH GinaMarie for ...


Dawna Lee Heising of Eye on Entertainment Is Miss March 2014 in the Miss Bikini Challenge Calendar

Heising is also featured on the back cover and in the poster for the 2014 Miss Bikini Challenge calendar

Big Brother 15 Week 7 Spoilers: A New HOH, Have Nots

The live double eviction episode ended last night with Candice and Judd on the jury and the new HOH still in question. It was by Aaryn’s hand that Judd joined the jury. She won HOH and the POV. Aaryn used the veto backdoor Judd.

Big Brother 15 Week 6 Double Eviction Recap: Candice And Judd Join The Jury

Amanda found herself the target of the secret MVP for the second week in a row. She was originally on the block alongside Candice and Jessie, but Jessie won the MVP and used it to save herself. GinaMarie then nominated Spencer as Jessie’s replace ...


2013 EOTM Award for Outstanding Talk Show Host Presented to Dawna Lee Heising

Heising’s 2013 EOTM Award for Outstanding Talk Show Host Is for Shows with Filmmakers Micaal Stevens and Mark Savage; Jared Lee Masters Wins Best Scream for Horror Film Slink

Big Brother 15 Week 6 Eviction Prediction: Candice, Spencer or Amanda?

Since the start of week 6 in the Big Brother house there has been one target – Candice – and it seems nothing, including Amanda’s bullying and whining, is going to change that.

Bachelorette Blog: Desiree Hartsock Talks Season Finale, Proposal

Desiree Hartsock’s Bachelorette journey ended last night with the bridal stylist accepting a proposal from longtime frontrunner Chris Siegfried. Before her final date and Chris’ proposal, Des said goodbye to Drew. She opens up about sending Drew ...

Big Brother 15 Week 6 Spoilers: MVP And POV Results

After winning the HOH competition last Thursday, GinaMarie decided to target Candice for eviction. She put Candice on the chopping block alongside Jessie.

Big Brother 15 Week 6 Recap: GinaMarie Wins HOH, Makes New Nominations

The battle for HOH consisted of simply walking/balancing on a rotating barrel while holding on to a bull’s head. Apparently the challenge was a lot harder than it appeared because Elissa nearly dropped out within the first few minutes of the comp ...

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 6 HOH

When Thursday’s live eviction episode ended, all of the houseguests were still in the Head of Household competition. The challenge required the houseguests to hold onto a bull while walking on a rotating barrel for as long as possible.

Big Brother 15 Week 5 Eviction Recap: Drama Puts A Target On Candice

Spencer tried to do the impossible this week – he attempted to get Helen’s tight knit alliance to crack and send Amanda packing over Howard and Candice. His first step was approaching GinaMarie, Judd, Andy and Jessie about turning against Amanda. ...

Big Brother 15 Week 5 Spoilers: Drama And An Eviction Prediction

Emotions are running high in the Big Brother house with showmance partners Howard and Candice on the chopping block along with America’s MVP nominee Amanda. The majority of the house is targeting Howard, while the minority would like to send Aman ...

Big Brother 15 Week 5 Recap: Spencer Wins The POV

Situations change on a dime in the Big Brother house, and Aaryn is the perfect example of that. Just one week ago the majority of the house hated Aaryn for her mean and sometimes racist comments, but a deal with Helen last week and an HOH win has ...

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: POV Ceremony Results

For HOH Aaryn, honoring her deal with Helen to nominate Spencer and Howard for eviction was the best move. It’s what the majority of the house wanted because they have been talking about getting Howard out for the past week. Howard’s only hope wa ...

Bachelorette Blog: Desiree Hartsock Opens Up About Brooks’ Exit

It appeared Desiree Hartsock was on a sure road to a proposal following hometown dates, but a blindside in Antigua causes her to question her Bachelorette journey. Desiree opens up about Brooks’ surprise departure in her Bachelorette blog for Peo ...

Big Brother 15 Week 5 Spoilers: MVP Nominee and POV Competition Results

Aaryn honored her deal with Helen this week and nominated Spencer and Howard for eviction. Helen’s alliance wants Howard evicted and they have the numbers to do it, so Howard’s only hope is the Power of Veto.