Anti-Psychotic Drugs Found Just As Lethal As Antidepressant And ADHD Drugs on Kids

The anti-psychotic drug deaths mark the third major category of lethal psychiatric drugs being prescribed to millions of American children; antidepressants now require the FDA’s “black box” warning.

New Study Confirms No Blood Tests for Any Mental Disorder in Psychiatry's Billing Bible

"No blood tests exist for the disorders in the DSM. It relies on judgments from practitioners who rely on the manual." - USA Today April 20, 2006

Psychiatry’s Diagnostic Manual Exposed For Its Link To A $76 Billion A Year Drug Trade

Watchdog Group Vindicated Over Its Allegations About Manual’s Pseudo science

Electro-Shock, A Psychiatric Atrocity, On Rise In British Columbia

Between 180 and 480 volts of electricity are sent searing through the brain.

Docs Want To Shock Elderly Man

Most patients are given a total of six to 12 shocks, one a day, three times a week.

The Blood Of Drug Related Deaths Is On Psychiatry’s Hands

The FDA reported that in the four year period between 1999 and 2003, there were twenty-five deaths in persons using Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) drugs.

Woman Abducted From Her Home Under Unconstitutional British Columbia Mental Health Act

Her first incarceration was in October 2001 but the nightmare occurred again in February 2005 when she was once more forcibly removed from her home by the police under the British Columbia Mental Heal

United Nations Steps into Child Drugging Controversy, Warns Against Psychiatric Labeling and Harmful ADHD-drugs

Separately, FDA orders black box warning on ADHD-prescribed drug

Another Psychiatric Drug, Another Black Box Warning

FDA Says Larger Review of Psychiatric Drugs and Suicides Underway

Europe's Medicine Agency Tightens Noose on Antidepressant Prescriptions for Kids

Agency issues Strongest Warnings to Date: Stating no child or adolescent should be prescribed SSRI antidepressants or “ADHD” drug Strattera.

How many APA presidents and how many deaths does it take before psychiatrists are held culpable for antidepressant suicides?

Citizens Commission on Human Rights says psychiatrists should be held criminally and civilly responsible for drug suicides.

NAMI's Exemplary Psychiatrists

The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) portrays themselves as an advocacy group for mental patients and their families.

First ever verdict in favor of electroshock victim Jury sides with victim, awards $635,000

A South Carolina woman has become the first survivor of ECT (“electroconvulsive therapy” or “shock treatment”) to prevail in a court of law.

Doctors Lambast Shields' Dangerous Position on Paxil

Medical doctors today struck out against the dangerous position actress Brook Shields has taken in promoting the antidepressant Paxil for treatment of post partum depression (PPD).

FDA Alert On Violence- and Suicide-Inducing Stimulants

June 28, 2005: The Food and Drug Administration says that “ADHD” stimulants cause visual hallucinations, aggression, violent and suicidal behavior….

Psychiatric Watchdog Speaks Out About Tom Cruise Speaking Out on Antidepressants

Group warns about national crisis of child drugging with "kiddy cocaine" and suicide-inducing antidepressants Video exposes the hoax of psychiatry's "chemical imbalance" theory