
"TOT JOURNALIST" Nancy Grace Dirty Laundry Exposed

CNN "TOT JOURNALIST" Nancy Grace's past legal indiscretions and misdeeds in the courtroom and on T.V. exposed

Caylee Anthony Murder Investigation News - New Leads Released

Hollywood Private Investigation firm Hollywood P.I. flooded with tips on Caylee Anthony


Flowers For Caylee Anthony?

Los Angeles based investigative tabloid provides online service for public to send flowers directly to the Anthony family.


How Nancy Grace Perverts Truth and Justice For Profit

Read CNN legal commentator Nancy Grace's dirty laundry and how she perverts the truth and justice of the stories she covers for profit

Informant Criminal Lawyer Sells Out Clients to Feds

With Lawyer Frank Pignatelli's help, federal agents have arrested 30 people from Akron and Cleveland, and seize hundreds of pounds of marijuana and cocaine, along with cash and property totaling more than $3 million.


Inside A Child Killer’s Mind – Who Killed Caylee? 1st Of A Multi-Part-Series

Larry Jay Levine, founder of consulting firm American Prison Consultants and veteran investigator Lawrence Olmstead of Hollywood P.I. profile in a multi-part-series the characteristics of child killers and why they committed their crimes.


Why Bernard Madoff Is Still Free

American Prison Consultants founder Larry Jay Levine outlines U.S. Magistrate Judge Ronald Ellis Opinion Refusing To Revoke Madoff's Bail


HOLLYWOOD P.I.: What Duct Tape and A Heart Shaped Sticker Tells Us About Caylee's Killer?

New information released on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 regarding the “heart shaped sticker” could tell investigators many things. Outlined below are possible scenarios to consider from veteran investigator and court qualified missing persons expert, Lawrence Olmstead of Hollywood


Madoff Could Beat Prison Time Due To Foreign Prosecution

17 Luxembourg funds and sub funds suspended redemptions as Bernard Madoff's fraud struck Europe’s biggest mutual fund market, the country’s financial regulator said today opening the door for Madoff to be prosecuted in overseas.


Hollywood P.I.: “Two people know what happened to Caylee Anthony, one is in jail and the other is watching it all unfold”!

Veteran Private Investigator, Lawrence Olmstead of Hollywood Private Investigations reveals information that provides a new angle on this case. “Don't let this be another story that ends the way many high profile cases involving children have in the past. This case can be solved;


Madoff 30 Year to Life Sentence Likely Predicts American Prison Consultants Founder Larry Jay Levine

Larry Jay Levine, a former Federal Inmate and founder of prison consulting firm American Prison Consultants, outlines the type of charges and sentences alleged Ponzi scheme perpetrator Bernard Madoff could expect for his role in defrauding investors of over 50 billion doll

Your golf game could get you hired of fired!

“You would be amazed what I can learn about you while playing a round of golf together” says licensed California Private Investigator, Lawrence Olmstead. With over twenty years of investigative experience and being a member of the PGA, Olmstead has developed corporate America's

Hollywood Private Investigations To Offer Services To The News Media

20 year veteran P.I. Lawrence Olmstead of Hollywood Private Investigations to offer investigation services to the worldwide news media.


Prison Consultants to offer Fedtime101 Prison Survival Program

American Prison Consultants to offer Fedtime 101 prison survival program

American Prison Consultants To Offer Services of Hollywood Private Investigations

American Prison Consultants founder Larry Jay Levine announces exclusive relationship for criminal defense investigative services with globally recognized investigator Lawrence M. Olmstead of Hollywood Private Investigations.


Freebie Force Is Coming To Town - Get Paid To Give Things Away Simple, Home-Based Business For Less Than $10

"You better not spend, you better not charge, you better not shop, your bills will be large...Freebie Force Is Coming To Town. The freebies are there, you just point and click, so many things for you to get...Freebie Force Is Coming To Town." To hear and view the rest of the


FREEBIE FORCE - Times Are Tough! Can You Use Free Stuff? Victorville Single Mom, “QueenFREEbee” Goes BEEzeerk - Starts Business to Give Away Free Stuff

“Before Freebie Force, I used to dread getting the mail because it was usually filled with bills and solicitations. Now I can hardly wait to see all the free goodies that are there – every day feels like my birthday and Christmas



Times Are Tough! Can You Use Free Stuff? Victorville Single Mom, “QueenFREEbee” Goes BEEzeerk - Starts Business to Give Away Free Stuff

Federal Prison Inmate Eric Johnson Denied Dental Care Since February 2007

Inmate Denied Dental Care Sits Painfully For Over 19 Months. Legal Action Imminent!


Mackerel Economics in Prison Leads to Appreciation for Oily Fillets

Packs of Fish Catch On as Currency, Former Inmates Say; Officials Carp