Series kicks off with The Crystal Method, Meiko, and Del The Funkyhomosapien
The Star of Championship Gaming Series on DirectTV joins Rob and Turtle for a no hold barred discussion about Grand Theft Auto IV
Former Executive at Rhino Records, Live Universe to build upon maniaTV’s financial success
Producers of TV, music video, and web video hits to work under maniaTV network umbrella.
Former MTV executive, VP of Loud records and founder of Chinese ticketing company will bring 20 years of experience to the TV 2.0 movement
Brigitte Nielsen and the Professor of Rock Wendy Fonarow
ManiaTV is now showing exclusive footage from the upcoming XBox/Vista release of Shadowrun.
Iliana joins ManiaTV! Tantra World Wide and 8th Wonder of the World in the groundbreaking DV8 Live Cyber Party
The first-of-its-kind, real time music showcase featuring popular bands and celebrity cameos to take place on multiple platforms simultaneously using 3-D virtual phenomenon Second Life and ManiaTV!’s LIVE Internet TV platform.
The first-of-its-kind, real time music showcase featuring popular bands and celebrity cameos is set to take place on multiple platforms simultaneously using 3-D virtual phenomenon Second Life and ManiaTV!’s LIVE Internet TV platform.