Hillary Clinton Leads National Poll Released by Pew Research Center
Pew Research National Polls Poll: Hillary Clinton 46%, Barack Obama 26%, John Edwards 14%, Bill Richardson 3%, Joe Biden 2%, Chris Dodd 0%, Dennis Kucinich 3%.
Pew Research National Polls Poll: Hillary Clinton 46%, Barack Obama 26%, John Edwards 14%, Bill Richardson 3%, Joe Biden 2%, Chris Dodd 0%, Dennis Kucinich 3%.
Iowa Poll: Rudy Giuliani 4%, Mitt Romney 30%, Mike Huckabee 28%, John McCain 16%, Fred Thompson 13%, Ron Paul 4%.
Iowa Poll: Hillary Clinton 27%, Barack Obama 32%, John Edwards 29%, Bill Richardson 2%, Joe Biden 5%, Chris Dodd 1%, Dennis Kucinich 1%.
Foreign policy is a big issue for the top Democratic presidential contenders with Barack Obama claiming to have more people lined up behind him than former First Lady Hillary Clinton. Clinton, in a virtual deadlock with Obama in Iowa and slightly ...
With the first Iowa caucus right around the corner, many Democrats are wondering how long Dennis Kucinich, Ohio Representative and presidential candidate will remain in a race he appears to have no chance of winning. His position in the polls hav ...
When Rudy Giuliani made his first bid for Mayor of New York in 1989, his campaign fell way short. His reputation as a winning state, and later federal prosecutor preceded his next attempt at the office and that winning attitude in court helped pr ...
Republican Mitt Romney, having the lead in polls in New Hampshire through most of the year, is beginning to throw some blocks up on the campaign trail as a couple of contenders are showing signs of overcoming his early lead. His closest competito ...
One sure way to have a target painted on the back in a political election is show signs of taking the lead away from the top contender. This is the lesson being learned by Arizona Senator John McCain as he has slipped into second place in New Ham ...
As his popularity is showing signs of life, especially in New Hampshire, Ron Paul's position on earmarks is starting to become an issue. The Texas Republican has long railed against the use of special projects, which he claims is a way many polit ...
As the Iowa caucus grows ever closer, and an Barack Obama's position shows signs of dwindling, he is beginning to point out chinks in the armor of the third top candidate, John Edwards. It is common for many political groups to produce their own ...
In a move that many political observers might consider political suicide, Mike Huckabee actually said the word Christmas. In a holiday ad put out by his campaign for president, the Republican was filmed in front of a bookcase, that many said show ...
A kinder, gentler Republican campaign being run by former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson is showing indications of making a difference, everywhere but in the polls. His recent push through Iowa with his campaign bus tour had him being friendly a ...
As one of the top three Democrat candidates for the presidential nomination for president, John Edwards is also the recipient of some third party ads that a few other candidates claim are an attempt to circumvent election donation laws. Opponent ...
New Hampshire Poll: Rudy Giuliani 14%, Mitt Romney 25%, Mike Huckabee 9%, John McCain 31%, Fred Thompson 2%, Ron Paul 6%.
Iowa Poll: Rudy Giuliani 5%, Mitt Romney 26%, Mike Huckabee 32%, John McCain 13%, Fred Thompson 9%, Ron Paul 9%.
Iowa Poll: Rudy Giuliani 8%, Mitt Romney 25%, Mike Huckabee 29%, John McCain 12%, Fred Thompson 10%, Ron Paul 7%.
Iowa Poll: Rudy Giuliani 8%, Mitt Romney 31%, Mike Huckabee 28%, John McCain 10%, Fred Thompson 13%, Ron Paul 8%.
New Hampshire Poll: Hillary Clinton 36%, Barack Obama 22%, John Edwards 14%, Bill Richardson 7%, Joe Biden 4%, Chris Dodd 1%, Dennis Kucinich 3%.
Iowa Poll: Hillary Clinton 25%, Barack Obama 32%, John Edwards 24%, Bill Richardson 6%, Joe Biden 4%, Chris Dodd 2%, Dennis Kucinich 1%.
Iowa Poll: Hillary Clinton 30%, Barack Obama 26%, John Edwards 25%, Bill Richardson 5%, Joe Biden 5%, Chris Dodd 1%, Dennis Kucinich 1%.