LegalView Plans Launch of Truck Accident Information Portal to Offer Information to Victims of Truck Accident Injury

LegalView recently announced plans to launch a new information portal specifically dedicated to truck accidents in order to better serve victims of a truck accident injury. The number of truck accidents has grown within the last ten years, and vi ...

LegalView Reports on Loophole that Excludes Home Inspectors from Checking for Mesothelioma-Causing Asbestos

LegalView updated mesothelioma blog readers with news of a loophole that enables home inspectors to bypass looking for traces of asbestos in order for inspectors to avoid liability. The loophole places homebuyers at risk for exposure to asbestos ...

LegalView Re-launched Avandia Information Portal to Assist Victims of Diabetes Drug Complications Including Heart Disease

LegalView refurbished its Avandia practice area to offer insightful resources for victims suffering from Avandia side effects, which may include heart disease and early onset osteoporosis. The drug was approved in mid-1999 and has since created a ...

LegalView Warns of the Increased Risk of Asbestos Exposure in Aftermath of Environmental Storms and Destruction

LegalView updated mesothelioma blog readers to the severe consequences that may exist in the aftermath of environmental destruction such as tornadoes or storms. LegalView specifically reminded Kansas victims to be aware of the risk for asbestos e ...

LegalView Launches PAGCL Practice Area for Victims with Cartilage Deterioration Following Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery

LegalView launched a PAGCL information portal to provide victims of the condition with resources and details on protective and preventive measures and information. Post arthroscopic glenohumeral chondrolysis (PAGCL) occurs when the cartilage in a ...

Mesothelioma Blog Updates Readers About A Naturally Occurring Treatment for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Victims

LegalView recently used its mesothelioma blog to report on scientific research regarding a natural treatment for malignant pleural mesothelioma victims. Researchers released the report, which found certain types of immune cells in the body to be ...

LegalView Updated its Traumatic Brain Injury Blog with Results of Brain Injury Victim Critical Care Study

LegalView provided links and information to several studies regarding traumatic brain injury treatment and critical care. The information that spans from 1995 to 2006 is considered a breakthrough because patients were monitored and critical care ...

LegalView Expands Its Extensive Traumatic Brain Injury Information Portal to Assist Victims of A Brain Injury Accident

LegalView re-launched its traumatic brain injury (TBI) information portal to provide a detailed and more comprehensive site for victims of TBI. In America, TBI affects millions of individuals each year, many of which go untreated and thus further ...

LegalView's Mesothelioma Blog Informs Readers of Recent Asbestos Fibers Reportedly Discovered on Local Chicago Beach

LegalView updated its mesothelioma blog informing readers of potentially deadly asbestos fibers found at a local Chicago beach. The Oak Street Beach was discovered to have amphibole asbestos, which is the most deadly type of asbestos and cause of ...

LegalView Posts Findings That Anti-Inflammatory Drugs May Be Capable of Treating Mesothelioma

LegalView recently reported the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may have the ability to treat a variety of human cancers, including mesothelioma. A study released in the Journal of Translational Medicine reported that the NS ...

LegalView Updates Levaquin Practice Area with New Side Effect Information on Severe Tendon Rupture among Patients

LegalView recently updated its Levaquin information portal with new information pertaining to the dangerous side effects that may be causing tendon ruptures among patients. Levaquin, an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections, has been link ...

LegalView Updates Traumatic Brain Injury Information Portal With Additional Information on Causes of the Debilitating Injury

LegalView recently announced it would be updating its traumatic brain injury (TBI) information portal to include information on causes of the incapacitating injury that affects millions of Americans each year.

LegalView Reports of Woman Allegedly Fired For Expressing Concerns with Asbestos-Tainted Flooring At Her Workplace

LegalView updated its mesothelioma blog with information of a woman who was allegedly fired for openly discussing her concerns with asbestos-tainted flooring. The woman, who works at a nursing home beauty salon, claims she was fired after she exp ...

LegalView Updates Mesothelioma Victims on a Push to Increase Federal Funding for Asbestos-Related Illnesses and Deaths

LegalView reported to mesothelioma blog readers that several U.S. senators and lobbyists are supporting a push to increase federal funding for researching asbestos-related illnesses. The 2009 defense appropriations bill is at the epicenter for th ...

LegalView Announced its Newest Information Portal with Details of the Digitek Digoxin Heart Tablet Recall

LegalView informed readers of its newest information portal detailing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordered recall of the Digitek-brand digoxin heart tablets. The tablets had been recently discovered to have been manufactured contai ...

LegalView Updates Avandia Portal with Details of Conclusive Evidence on Link between Avandia and Increased Bone Fractures among Patients

LegalView reported the most recent research on its Avandia information portal detailing a definitive connection between the type 2 diabetes drug and osteoporosis. The study, conducted by Swiss researchers, determined a doubled as well as tripled ...

LegalView Reports on Conviction of Wisconsin Man Who Knowingly Demolished and Burned Asbestos-Tainted Buildings

LegalView updated its mesothelioma blog with information regarding a Wisconsin man who demolished and burned an agricultural building, among several other buildings, without first conducting proper asbestos removal. Because of this intentional ov ...

LegalView Reports on Details of FDA Warning to Avandia Manufacturer for Withholding

LegalView recently reported the FDA warning letter given to manufacturers of Avandia for withholding post-market research. GlaxoSmithKline failed to comply with FDA regulations and offer officials full details of 10 ongoing clinical trials.

LegalView Announces the Arrival of A Breakthrough Scientific Study Allowing Insight Into the Development and Progression of Mesothelioma Cancer

LegalView utilized its mesothelioma blog to report a new mouse model for mesothelioma that reproduces the human disease and provides scientists insights into the way the cancer develops and progresses. The mouse model is for human malignant mesot ...

LegalView Updates Readers with News of Potential Asbestos Exposure after a Power Plant Boiler Explodes on College Campus

LegalView reported on its mesothelioma blog an incident that has thousands of college students at risk for potential asbestos exposure after a boiler exploded in the campus power plant. The explosion not only left the students without hot water o ...