LegalView Publishes Information on A New Brain Injury Treatment Method Utilizing Computerized Cognitive Training

LegalView recently updated its traumatic brain injury information portal with news of a new treatment method using computerized cognitive training. The new treatment methods are being researched by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) as well as ...

LegalView Informs Small Towns Surrounding A Closed Asbestos Mine of Mesothelioma Risks

LegalView recently alerted residents of several small towns in the state of Vermont to alarming reports that asbestos waste from a closed mine may have been used in road and driveway construction across the area. Asbestos has been linked to the development of an incurable form

LegalView Reports of New Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Study Publishing Positive Results for Brain-Injured Victims

LegalView recently reported of a new treatment study for patients of TBI. The study found that when oxygen was administered therapeutically to brain-injured victims cognitive recovery improved.

LegalView Informs Readers of Fake Documents for Asbestos Removal Workers Increasing Risks of Mesothelioma Among Americans

LegalView recently alerted readers to a disturbing report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding thousands of asbestos removal workers who had falsified documents in order to obtain employment. Individuals who remove asbest ...

LegalView Reports on Potential Link Between Children With TBI and the Development of ADHD

LegalView recently informed traumatic brain injury (TBI) blog readers of a medical link found between children who have suffered from TBI and an increased risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). According to the Britis ...

LegalView Reports Record Numbers of Drug Reactions in U.S., Partially Caused by Heparin

LegalView informed its readers of serious drug reactions and fatalities, which have hit record high numbers due partially to a blood thinner known as Heparin. The drug, from Baxter Healthcare, was found to be tainted and administered to thousands ...

LegalView Informs Chantix Patients of Risk of Seizures Leading to Traffic Accidents

LegalView recently learned of a new Chantix risk that may be causing patients to have uncontrollable seizures, which are leading to serious traffic accidents as well. In addition to seizures, Chantix has also been under investigation for its link ...

LegalView Informs Americans of Potential Asbestos Dangers Lurking During Home Efficiency Remodels

LegalView reminded readers of the potential asbestos risks that exist when remodeling homes this winter season for more energy efficiency. Lurking in millions of American homes across the country is a potentially deadly contaminant known as asbes ...

LegalView Reports on Rare Traumatic Brain Injury Condition That Could Cause Complete Paralysis of A Victim

LegalView recently used its traumatic brain injury blog to report of a severely debilitating condition that can be derived from a brain injury and may cause complete paralysis of a patient. The condition is known as locked-in syndrome, and while ...

LegalView Re-launches its Avandia Information Portal with News of the Type 2 Diabetes Drug's Risks and Dangers

LegalView reintroduced its Avandia practice area to include updated information for victims of the drug's side effects. Avandia has been linked to the development of early on-set osteoporosis and heart failure among patients.

LegalView's Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis Information Portal Re-Launched with Updated News for Victims of the Disease

LegalView re-launched its Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) information portal to provide more news and details of the rare condition. NSF has been linked to the use of gadolinium dyes during magnetic resonance testing among kidney disease pati ...

LegalView Re-launches Ketek Antibiotic Information Portal with Information on Drug's Potential Side Effects

LegalView has redeveloped and re-launched its Ketek practice area to alert patients of the antibiotic to its potentially fatal side effects. Individuals taking Ketek have recently been linked to the development of liver damage and liver failure, ...

LegalView Reintroduces its Medical Malpractice Information Portal with Updated Links to Finding Immediate Legal Assistance

LegalView re-launched its medical malpractice legal portal to provide legal assistance to the hundreds of thousands of victims who suffer from potentially severe injuries derived from medical malpractice. Medical malpractice can affect nearly any ...

LegalView Informs Patients of Possible Cimzia Cancer Link, Drug Commonly Used to Treat Arthritis

LegalView recently posted detailed information on its Cimzia information portal regarding the potentially serious side effects caused by the drug and its family known as TNF inhibitors. Among the drug's potential side effects are the development ...

LegalView Reports Family's Loss of Father Who Died of Asbestos Diseases

LegalView informed readers of a former Exxon Mobil employee who recently died from asbestos-related conditions. The man's family has filed a lawsuit in the 136th District Court against the company alleging his employers knew of the dangers associ ...

LegalView Re-launching Truck Accident Injury Information Portal with Updated News and Information on the Costly and Dangerous Accidents

LegalView announced the re-launch of its truck accident practice area that will provide victims of these costly and fatal truck accidents with updated articles and facts to help them overcome the severity of the incident. The truck accident injur ...

LegalView Reports Cancer Risk for St. Louis Residents after Unapproved Asbestos Removal during Demolition

LegalView recently informed mesothelioma blog readers of improper removal of asbestos in St. Louis that may have left thousands of residents at risk for developing mesothelioma cancer. The city used an unapproved "wet method" of removing asbestos ...

LegalView Informs Mesothelioma Victims of Clinical Trial Testing Potential Lung Cancer Treatment

LegalView reported a new treatment for mesothelioma patients currently being studied in a clinical trial. The treatment includes the monitoring of mesothelioma cancer symptoms and quality of life with an electronic handheld tool.

LegalView Informs Cimzia Patients of Possible Risks Among Young Adults, Children

LegalView informed patients who are taking Cimzia as well as the related family of drugs known as TNF blockers of the potential dangers associated with the drug's consumption. Cimzia is being investigated by the FDA for an alleged link to increas ...

LegalView Reports Details of a New Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Approved by FDA

LegalView informed traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients of a new treatment approved by the FDA that is being studied and may offer TBI victims an improved outcome after being injured. The treatment uses a device known as the ThermoSuit System, w ...