LegalView Launches Byetta Information Portal to Provide Patients with the Details of Diabetes Drug Dangers

LegalView has launched a new information portal on the type 2 diabetes drug Byetta, which has been allegedly linked to the deaths of patients for inducing life-threatening pancreas conditions. The FDA will also be increasing the drug's labeling a ...

LegalView Warns Proton Pump Inhibitor Patients of Potential Bone Fracture Risk Associated with Drug

LegalView recently reported on the risk of bone fractures among patients using proton pump inhibitor (PPI) drugs. The drugs are used to treat and reduce gastric acid within the stomach as well as other stomach/intestinal issues including ulcers, ...

LegalView Informs Americans of Potentially Dangerous Risk of Asbestos Exposure in Home Attic Insulation

LegalView reported alarming details of an increased risk of mesothelioma cancer for millions of Americans, whose homes may be contaminated with asbestos. Homes build between the 1920s and the 1980s have been reportedly likely to contain asbestos ...

LegalView Informs Mesothelioma Blog Readers of Asbestos Still in Use in America

LegalView reported on the details of several thousand tons of asbestos still being used in the United States, even though the material has been highly associated with an incurable form of lung cancer. The U.S. Geological Survey reported on the us ...

LegalView Reports Details of War Veteran Brain Injuries Overlooked By Officials for Years

LegalView described the plight of a former U.S. soldier whose traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) were continually overlooked by the military causing severe disabilities only a few years after his discharge. The soldier, who suffered several concussi ...

LegalView Highlights Top Brain Injury Rehabilitation Hospitals in the United States - 5.3 Million Americans Suffer from TBI

LegalView provided information on the top traumatic brain injury rehabilitation clinics and hospitals in the United States as the International Brain Injury Association reports that 5.3 million Americans are currently living with the condition. R ...

LegalView Reports Results of a Breakthrough Study Investigating Link Between Genetic Predisposition and Developing Mesothelioma Cancer

LegalView informed readers to the results of a scientific investigation studying the potential link between genetic components and developing mesothelioma cancer. Scientists determined that genetic responses occurred after a specific type of asbe ...

LegalView Informs Mesothelioma Blog Readers with Details on Asbestos: Silent Killer of American Veterans Dating Back to World War II

LegalView informed mesothelioma blog readers of a silent killer of American soldiers and veterans besides traumatic brain injury (TBI). Mesothelioma cancer has likely affected thousands of American veterans, even dating back to World War II navy ...

LegalView Posts Details of Heroic Marine Now Struggling With Traumatic Brain Injury

LegalView informed its traumatic brain injury blog readers of an award-winning and heroic marine who was forced to return home early because of the severity of his TBI ailments. The marine requested to stay at his post and "help finish the job," ...

LegalView Recounts the Results of a Recent Mesothelioma Study That Reported High Survival Rates Among Patients Taking New Treatment

LegalView reported the results of an Italian study to its mesothelioma blog readers; the results detailed a positive outcome and increased survival rate for elderly pleural mesothelioma victims. The study, recently published in a British medical ...

LegalView Launches Viapro Drug Recall Site Due to Dangerous Ingredient Found in the Male Sexual-Enhancement Drug

LegalView informed its readers of a recent drug recall of Viapro due to traces of an undeclared ingredient found in the product by the FDA. Viapro is a male sexual-enhancement drug used to treat erectile dysfunction.

LegalView Brain Injury Site Reports Department of Veteran Affairs Request for Research on TBI and Soldiers

LegalView updated its traumatic brain injury (TBI) blog with information of a request for research by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on the potential trauma associated with soldiers and helmets. The VA has declared that TBI is responsibl ...

LegalView Offers Mesothelioma Blog Readers Details of Disconcerting Request to Decrease Asbestos Regulations from Industry

LegalView informed mesothelioma blog readers of an potentially troubling request by automotive, chemical and mining industries' paid researchers to "water down" asbestos regulations. The industry-hired scientists argued that asbestos is no longer ...

LegalView Unveils Details of a Breakthrough Mesothelioma Cancer Early Detection Test for Mesothelioma Patients

LegalView reported a breakthrough test on its mesothelioma blog, which will allow early detection of mesothelioma cancer. Up to this point, the number one reason mesothelioma cancer kills a patient so quickly is due to the fact that it is often m ...

LegalView Reports Details of Failing Artificial Hip Component Known as the Zimmer Durom Cup

LegalView informed readers of Zimmer Holding's suspended sales of its artificial hip component, the Durom cup, because of reports from physicians that the part was failing and/or faulty. The device, which is a hip socket, has been under investiga ...

LegalView Informs Mesothelioma Blog Readers of a Predicted Increase in Female Mesothelioma Victims

LegalView updated readers to an alarming prediction by researchers who said the number of female mesothelioma victims may increase within the next few years. Researchers said that asbestos in hair dryers that were previously unregulated may be th ...

LegalView Launches Revamped Ketek Information Portal with Details of the Drug's Potential Risks

LegalView announced it is re-launching its Ketek practice area to provide readers with a more detailed information portal. Ketek is an antibiotic used to treat respiratory infections but the drug has been linked to potential liver damage among pa ...

LegalView Reveals Details of the FDA Mandated Black Box Warning For Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics Such as Cipro and Levaquin

LegalView reported of a recent FDA warning for antibiotics under the fluoroquinolones drug family that will now require a black box warning, the strongest warning issued by the FDA. The FDA instituted the mandate due to the greater risk of tendon ...

LegalView Blog Announces Recruitment of Mesothelioma Victims for New Clinical Trial Combining Chemotherapy and Radiation Treatments

LegalView made available the details of a new clinical trial, which will test chemotherapy and radiation methods rather than surgery as a treatment among mesothelioma patients. Victims of mesothelioma cancer are currently being recruited for the ...

LegalView Informs Mesothelioma Blog Readers of A New Clinical Trial Available for Victims of Asbestos-Induced Lung Cancer

LegalView provided information for victims of asbestos-related lung conditions and cancer on a new clinical trial. The study will target patients of pleural mesothelioma and will attempt to radiation and chemotherapy treatments for those with thi ...