The Powerful Support Behind Barack Obama

Illinois senator Barack Obama has some interesting supporters backing his campaign this election of 2008. Big names stand behind Senator Obama such as Jesse Jackson, Oprah Winfrey and now Senator John Kerry. As we hear the constant debates back a ...

Barack Obama Invisible in Michigan

With two very important primaries out of the way, all candidates are now looking towards Michigan to win over. Barack Obama did exceptionally well in Iowa but finished second and three points behind Hillary Clinton. How will this affect him in th ...

Mitt Romney Tried for Michigan and Won It

Mitt Romney has come from Utah, where he was governor but denied election for U.S. senate, to try and lead the Republican Party in the 2008 presidential election. He’s been behind on the first two Primaries, but looks to Michigan on the 15th to p ...

Letters May Harm Ron Paul

Who is republican candidate Ron Paul and where is he from? He spent a while in the eighties and nineties as a U.S. congressman representing Texas and recently decided that he would like to run for president. However, a part of Paul’s possible pas ...

Hillary Clinton's Split Personality

Has Hillary Clinton buried herself under the “years of experience” that she is boasting? Just where does this experience come from and how much has she? Her campaign seems to focus on the Clinton powerhouse, the duo that is Hillary and Bill.

Mike Huckabee is Stealth in Michigan

Running low under the radar in Michigan, Mike Huckabee has just now put out ads and hired paid staff in the state. Because Michigan has a solid tie to republicans, although it’s been a democratic favorite as of late, Huckabee has a solid shot – a ...

John McCain Rises To The Top With A Win In New Hampshire

Arizona Senator John McCain surprised many with his victory in the New Hampshire debate. Several news personnel are now referring to this event as being similar to the biblical story of Lazarus who was deceased and brought back to life. McCain wa ...

John McCain Leads Florida Poll Released by Strategic Vision

Florida Poll: Rudy Giuliani 18%, Mitt Romney 17%, Mike Huckabee 20%, John McCain 27%, Fred Thompson 10%, Ron Paul 5%.

John McCain Leads South Carolina Poll Released by Reuters CSpan Zogby

South Carolina Poll: Rudy Giuliani 5%, Mitt Romney 12%, Mike Huckabee 22%, John McCain 29%, Fred Thompson 14%, Ron Paul 5%.

John McCain Leads South Carolina Poll Released by Clemson University Palmetto Poll

South Carolina Poll: Rudy Giuliani 3%, Mitt Romney 13%, Mike Huckabee 22%, John McCain 29%, Fred Thompson 10%, Ron Paul 6%.

John McCain Leads National Poll Released by Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International

Pew Research National Polls Poll: Rudy Giuliani 13%, Mitt Romney 17%, Mike Huckabee 20%, John McCain 29%, Fred Thompson 9%, Ron Paul 6%.

John McCain Leads National Poll Released by Diageo/Hotline Poll conducted by Financial Dynamics

Diageo National Polls Poll: Rudy Giuliani 12%, Mitt Romney 15%, Mike Huckabee 17%, John McCain 32%, Fred Thompson 7%, Ron Paul 4%.

Hillary Clinton Leads Florida Poll Released by Strategic Vision

Florida Poll: Hillary Clinton 45%, Barack Obama 39%, John Edwards 11%, Dennis Kucinich 1%.

Barack Obama Leads South Carolina Poll Released by Insider Advantage

South Carolina Poll: Hillary Clinton 31%, Barack Obama 41%, John Edwards 13%.

Hillary Clinton Leads National Poll Released by Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International

Pew Research National Polls Poll: Hillary Clinton 46%, Barack Obama 31%, John Edwards 13%, Dennis Kucinich 4%.

Hillary Clinton Leads National Poll Released by Diageo/Hotline Poll conducted by Financial Dynamics

Diageo National Polls Poll: Hillary Clinton 38%, Barack Obama 35%, John Edwards 13%, Dennis Kucinich 2%.

Mike Huckabee Leads Oklahoma Poll Released by Survey USA

Oklahoma Poll: Rudy Giuliani 11%, Mitt Romney 8%, Mike Huckabee 31%, John McCain 29%, Fred Thompson 13%, Ron Paul 3%.

Mike Huckabee Leads Alabama Poll Released by University of South Alabama / Press Register

Alabama Poll: Rudy Giuliani 5%, Mitt Romney 8%, Mike Huckabee 25%, John McCain 22%, Fred Thompson 9%, Ron Paul 3%.

Mitt Romney Leads Nevada Poll Released by American Research Group

Nevada Poll: Rudy Giuliani 11%, Mitt Romney 28%, Mike Huckabee 8%, John McCain 21%, Fred Thompson 13%, Ron Paul 9%.

John McCain Leads New Jersey Poll Released by Monmouth University Gannett Poll by Braun Research

New Jersey Poll: Rudy Giuliani 25%, Mitt Romney 9%, Mike Huckabee 11%, John McCain 29%, Fred Thompson 5%, Ron Paul 5%.