Local Law Firm Changes Local Laws: Receives Decision in Appeals Finding Delray Noise Ordinance Unconstitutional


The Treasury and Fannie Face Off Over Foreclosures and Principle Reductions

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Treasury faced off with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac regulator Edward DeMarco over principal reductions as way to give foreclosure relief to a large number of homeowners.


Rep. King Vows to Sue President for Protecting Young Immigrants from Deportation

Washington D.C. - As “Dreamers” eagerly await the details about deferred action, to be released today, one staunch anti-immigration activist Rep. Steve King (R.-IA) says that he plans to sue Obama “to command the president to enforce the law.”


In France, Sexual Harassment Can Land a Person in Jail

Paris, France- French lawmakers have a passed a new sexual harassment law making penalties for offenders tougher which could actually land a person in jail and fine them up to 30,000 Euros ($37,000).


UFC Champion Jon Jones Sentenced For DWI, Avoids Jail

Binghamton, NY- UFC Champion Jon Jones evaded jail time for a DWI charge stemming from his arrest in May.


Bankruptcy Loophole Allows Illegal Squatters to Live in Colorado Family’s Home

Littleton, CO- Homeowners facing foreclosure with no other alternative can often stay in their homes through bankruptcy. What is generally a move meant to protect a homeowner is being exploited by two illegal squatters who took over a Colorado fa ...


Elderly NY Couple Remarries 48 Years after Divorce

Buffalo, NY- An elderly couple in Buffalo has decided they belong together even though they got divorced 48 years ago and will be married this Saturday for the second time.

Man Arrested After Screaming “This Is It!” During Dark Knight Showing

Panicked moviegoers fled a Florida movie theater during a showing of The Dark Knight Rises late Monday night after a man stood up and screamed “This is it!” No one was harmed in the incident, which comes less than 2 weeks after a shooting during ...


Faulty Tire Was Likely to Blame for Texas Pickup Crash that Killed 15

A faulty tire appears to have caused a crash that claimed the lives of 15 victims in a pickup truck crash in south Texas


Prevent an Ugly Divorce Battle with a Prenuptial Agreement

New York, NY- When two people decided to get married, they don’t want to think about the idea that one day they may get enmeshed in an ugly divorce. But the fact is that more than 50 percent if marriages end in divorce so it’s important to protec ...


New Report Shows Immigrants Have High Crime Recidivism Rates

Washington, D.C. - New government data shows that immigrants, both legal and illegal, are re-arrested for crimes within three years after they are released.


Washington D.C. Passes Tough DUI Laws

Washington, D.C. - Things just got tougher for people caught drinking and driving in Washington D.C. as lawmakers pass strict laws in an effort to keep their roads safe.


California Woman Killed in Freak Party Bus Accident, Company Had Previous Violations

Santa Cruz, CA- A California woman was killed Friday after she and another person were thrown from a party bus just before midnight.


Federal Court Overturns Louisiana Man’s $300K Sexual Harassment Judgment

New Orleans, LA- A federal court judge has overturned a $300K settlement awarded to an iron-worker who filed a suit against his former employer Boh Bros. Construction.


Golf Pro David Duval’s Lavish Colorado Home Facing Foreclosure

Denver, CO- Pro-golfer David Duval was at the top of his game at one point. He was Tiger wood’s leading contender and made millions on the PGA circuit, but now he is facing foreclosure on a lavish mansion he owns in an upscale Colorado neighborho ...


Chicago Accident Caused by Alcohol, Kills One Injures Seven

A Chicago man has been charged with DUI after he lost control of his vehicle and killed one of his passengers.


Ohio Auditor Heads to Federal Court for Sexual Harassment

A sexual harassment case against the Fairfield County Auditor’s office has made its way to federal court.

Simmons and Fletcher Announces They Will Travel to Investigate and Handle Serious 18 Wheeler Accidents

Recently, there has been a rise in the number of federal law violations by commercial motor vehicles. Simmons and Fletcher handles cases against negligent 18-wheeler truck drivers and will travel cross-country to assist victims of their negligence.


Illegal Immigrants Launch Bus Tour Protest

Phoenix, AZ- Illegal immigrants are coming out of the shadows and are now speaking publically. Now some undocumented immigrants are launching a bust tour to add their voices to the immigration debate, protesting the increased number of deportatio ...


Solyndra Files Chapter 11 Reorganization Plan

Washington D.C. - Solar panel maker, Solyndra, which received $535 million federal loans, filed its plan for reorganization in a Delaware