
Tennessee Executes Steve Henley for 1985 Murder

Tennessee Executes Steve Henley for 1985 Murder


Hollywood P.I. Reveals Lost Lead in Jon Benet Murder

Veteran Private Investigator Lawrence Olmstead, of Hollywood P.I., recalls investigating the Jon Benet case in 1996 and 1997, and how the Colorado Bureau of Investigation ignored information developed by Olmstead leading to the one true suspect. New DNA evidence may tell

Monster Father In Missouri Rapes Daughter and Commits Murder

Deranged Missouri man is the latest of fathers around the world who rape their daughters and impregnate them.


"TOT JOURNALIST" Nancy Grace Dirty Laundry Exposed

CNN "TOT JOURNALIST" Nancy Grace's past legal indiscretions and misdeeds in the courtroom and on T.V. exposed

Caylee Anthony Murder Investigation News - New Leads Released

Hollywood Private Investigation firm Hollywood P.I. flooded with tips on Caylee Anthony


Flowers For Caylee Anthony?

Los Angeles based investigative tabloid provides online service for public to send flowers directly to the Anthony family.


Prison Secretary Janine Sligar Sentenced to Jail for Sex with Inmate

Prison Secretary Janine Sligar Sentenced to Jail for Sex with Inmate

New Liberty Book Emphasizes Carrying Burdens Over Being Carried In Victimhood.

Gun rights advocate shows how armed citizens set the example in just how unnecessay many costly programs are.


How Nancy Grace Perverts Truth and Justice For Profit

Read CNN legal commentator Nancy Grace's dirty laundry and how she perverts the truth and justice of the stories she covers for profit


Judge in Casey Anthony Murder Case Rules Defense Can Inspect Wooded Area Where Remains of Caylee Anthony Discovered

Judge in Casey Anthony Murder Case Rules Defense Can Inspect Wooded Area Where Remains of Caylee Anthony Discovered


Casey Anthony Murder Case Facing Delay as No Trial Date Set on Friday

Casey Anthony Murder Case Facing Delay as No Trial Date Set on Friday


George Anthony, Father of Murder Suspect Casey Anthony, to Remain in Hospital for Evaluation

George Anthony, Father of Murder Suspect Casey Anthony, to Remain in Hospital for Evaluation


Casey Anthony to Appear in Court on Friday

Casey Anthony to Appear in Court on Friday

Defective Chinese Drywall Alert Announced by Morgan & Morgan

The attorneys of Morgan & Morgan ( are currently investigating cases of defective Chinese drywall in Florida homes.

Truck Accident Legal Resources Provided by Morgan & Morgan, the website for national plaintiff’s law firm Morgan & Morgan, is now offering an online informational resource about trucking accidents.


Los Angeles Father Shoots and Kills Wife and Five Children Before Turning Gun on Himself

Los Angeles Father Shoots and Kills Wife and Five Children Before Turning Gun on Himself


Casey Anthony Case: Florida Company Suspends Plans to Sell “Caylee Sunshine Doll”

Casey Anthony Case: Florida Company Suspends Plans to Sell “Caylee Sunshine Doll”

Informant Criminal Lawyer Sells Out Clients to Feds

With Lawyer Frank Pignatelli's help, federal agents have arrested 30 people from Akron and Cleveland, and seize hundreds of pounds of marijuana and cocaine, along with cash and property totaling more than $3 million.


Casey Anthony Case: George Anthony to Remain in Hospital Following Suicide Scare

Casey Anthony Case: George Anthony to Remain in Hospital Following Suicide Scare


Former Girlfriend of New York Knicks Center Eddy Curry Found Murdered

Former Girlfriend of New York Knicks Center Eddy Curry Found Murdered