Death of Baby in Houston Raises Crib Safety Concerns

When an infant dies in a crib questions are inevitably asked as to whether defective equipment was to blame.

Miami Personal Injury Attorney Shows He's Still Top Boating Accident Lawyer

Neufeld, Kleinbergy & Pinkiert, PA, and its lead litigation counsel David Kleinberg have proved to be one of Miami's top personal injury lawyers.

Foreclosure Rates Decline in July

New York, NY- New statistics released by CoreLogic which shows that foreclosures declined in July over the first quarter of this year where foreclosures rose over statistics from the end of last year.

California Lawmakers Pass Legislation to Give Added Protections to Undocumented Immigrants

Sacramento, CA- California lawmakers have passed the TRUST Act, which gives added protection from deportation and are now awaiting Gov. Brown’s signature.


San Francisco Archbishop-elect Arrested for DUI Over the Weekend

San Francisco, CA- The archbishop-elect of the San Francisco Roman Catholic Archdiocese was arrested early Saturday morning at a DUI checkpoint.

Brooklyn Assemblyman Vito Lopez Censured Over Sexual Harassment Allegations

Brooklyn, NY- Brooklyn Assemblyman Vito Lopez has been censured by his peers with NY Governor Cuomo calling for his resignation after two women accused him of him sexual harassment

“This What I Get for Being a Bridesmaid” Florida Woman Tells Police After Her DUI Arrest

Holmes Beach, FL- A Florida woman, charged with DUI over the weekend blames her decision to be a bridesmaid for her friend’s upcoming wedding for her arrest. So now in addition to her wedding obligations, she has to add the frustration of dealing ...

Treasury Blames Banks for Lack Participation in Foreclosure Prevention Program

Washington, D.C. - The Home Affordable Mortgage Program (HAMP) was supposed to help close to 4 million homeowners across the country save their homes. But as of May only 1 million of those homeowners have received a mortgage modification and the ...

Forty-Eight Injured in Los Angeles After City Bus Collides with Transit Train

Los Angeles, CA- An early morning collision between a Metro line bus and a transit train left 48 people injured. Though the LAPD says it was a minor collision with no one suffering major injuries.

Jeb Bush Warns GOP to Soften Tone on Immigration

Tampa, FL- The Republican Party has descended on Tampa, ready to coronate Mitt Romney as their presidential candidate and present their party platform taking some tough stances on immigration and party favorite Jeb Bush.


Courtroom Basics


Immigration Agents Sue Feds over Deferred Action

Washington D.C. - Another constitutional showdown over immigration has begun as a group of ICE agents filed a lawsuit Thursday against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

Lance Armstrong Loses Titles, Gets Lifetime Ban From Pro Cycling

The United States Anti-Doping Agency has stripped Lance Armstrong of his seven Tour de France titles following the cyclist’s decision to stop battling illegal doping accusations. The agency says a lifetime ban from professional cycling will also ...


Former U.S. Ambassador Crocker Arrested For DUI and Hit-and-Run

Washington, D.C. - A former U.S. ambassador Ryan Crocker was arrested in Washington State on August 14th for DUI following a hit-and-run accident.


Delaware Delegate Was Drinking Before Boating Accident That Injured Seven

Pasadena, MD- Delaware Delegate, Donald Dwyer, admitted Thursday that he had been drinking prior to a boating accident which injured seven people including four children.


Massachusetts Lawmakers Set to Enact Foreclosure Prevention Laws

Boston, MA- Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick signed into law a bill intended on preventing foreclosure, placing more responsibility on lenders.

Florida Grower Settles Harassment Case for $150K

Immokalee, FL- DiMare Ruskin, a Florida-based grower has settled a sexual harassment and retaliation lawsuit with the EEOC and two women who claimed they were abused by supervisors.

Gunman, 1 Victim Dead In Shooting Outside Empire State Building

New York City authorities say a deadly shooting outside the Empire State building this morning does not appear to be terror related. The gunman, who was shot and killed at the scene by police, has not been identified, but law enforcement sources ...


Hispanic Leaders Takes Immigration Agenda to Party Conventions

Washington, D.C. - A coalition of immigration advocates unveiled their platform which they intend to present to political leadership at both party conventions in Tampa and Charlotte.

Morris Brown College in Jeopardy of Foreclosure

Atlanta, GA- The nation’s oldest black college is in peril and faces the possibility of foreclosure next month as creditors are calling in millions of late bond payments.