Mama Bellissima, book signing and reading. refreshment will be served.

Regine Dubono will be on hand at the ArtMh gallery located at 109 S. Orange Ave., in South Orange NJ 0n June 15 from 2-4

REGINE DUBONO will be available on May 15 to sign copies of her book 'Sleeping Beauty Isn't a Fairy tale.".

Order your copy now at 973-378-5808 to have it on hand.

Artists invited to exhibit in South Orange private gallery.

Local artists in search of a venue to exhibit their works should contact Curator Danielle Rubel at 973-378-5808

You don't have to be a Buddhist to sing: Never Give Up."

The song that many peaceful groups should choose to rally

sistermonk Seattle band upcoming shows in area

Sistermonk most popular band in the Seattle area with two nbew cd's and upcoming shows in Seatle and New ork city.


SisterMonk, Seattle indie-rock releases new video "Never Give UP" with lyrics by HH The Dalai Lama

Sistermonk Celebrates Dalai lama's historic visit to Seattle


HH The Dalai Lama's inspiring words "Never Give Up'' set to music in new video

Sistermonk carves out new Musical Genre "Buddhist Rock"

"Youth's hostels" is a German diary by Regine Dubono

Youth's Hostels or How to Travel in a Group on a Shoe String Budget."

When a parent gets alzheimer disease, one's world turns upside down

Mama Bellissima is a journal about Dubono's mother

Desiree, a Midsummer Night's Dream by Yael is available at

This is a journal by an adolescent with mental illness, and it may be read like a play.

Mama Bellissima by Regine Dubono is a series of vignettes about Mama as she develops Alzheimer disease

For anyone whos family member has this disease. a site for books by Regine Dubono

because your words are the beginnings of music

Bold Soldier a play written by Regine Dubono in 1971, still a powerful relevant statement today for Peace

A play for the screen of for the musical theatre.

Bold Soldier a play written by Regine Dubono in 1971, still a powerful relevant statement today for Peace

A play for the screen of for the musical theatre.

Nyack, NY, April 17,2008 from 10PM to 1AM, GREEN TREE PERFORMS LIVE.

a six piece band from Bergen County GREEN TREE (a branch of S.M. Music)

NICKEL, a new screen play by REGINE DUBONO, to be set to music by Jody Rubel of SM ( band)

Not a Nickel in my Pocket and a Bikini on my skin


Seattle comic Rod Long, singer Beverly Graham in Men In Kilts Event

you dont have to be in the Highlands to enjoy a Scottish fling

Hearts and Souls by Regine Dubono received award from Writers Digest

A book by a woman for women

Dalai Lama's inspirational message "Never Give Up" set to pop music by SisterMonk

Seattle based indie-dance band releases "Never give Up" with lyrics by the Dalai Lama in an effort to join global effort to shed light on the chinese governments's brutal policy of religous oppression and cultural genocide.


A different Kind of Madness, a playwright's curse.

Desiree, A Midsummer night's Dream-Medley by Yael elucidates a schizophrenic adolescent's mind.