High Speed Truck Chase Makes Victor Perez the Hero

A good accident attorney can ensure that you get the best possible compensation

Hungary Still Suffering in Throes of Toxic Floods

This is where a mesothelioma lawyer is absolutely indispensable.

Times Square Jihadi sentenced to life

The night of terror continues

Jill Biden at The White House Summit To Promote Community Colleges

DUI lawyers are available a dime a dozen in today’s day and age.

Eliot Spitzer’s New Show on CNN

A divorce lawyer would have been able to discretely handle the entire issue

Sludge Floods Terrorizes Hungary

Accident lawyers may be hired by those families who lost people in the tragedy

Shooting spree in Gainesville

So Many Accident Attorneys to Choose From

This is where accident attorneys come into play.

The Immigration Situation at a Glance

Immigration lawyers can be your savior.

Rush Limbaugh on the Family Guy

Divorce lawyers are available a dime for a dozen in today’s world.

Chicago’s Rahm Emanuel Might Not Even Run

DUI lawyers also have an indispensable role to play when it comes to ensuring the most positive outcome for any case.

Kagan To Recuse From Cases As New Supreme Court Term Begins

Possession and Sale of Marijuana Now Legalized In California

A DUI attorney needs to be hired within the statute of limitations observed in the state.

Hiring an Accident Attorney in Tennessee

Hiring an accident attorney in Tennessee is easy but a few things need to be looked into before making a final decision.

Senate panel to review release of Lockerbie Bomber

Young Arizona's mayor indicted for money laundering

Hamid Karzai condemns violence committed by the Taliban

US Court Give Stem Cell Research Green Light

Partner Eric Chaffin Selected as a New York Super Lawyer

Chaffin Luhana is pleased to announce that partner Eric Chaffin has been named by Super Lawyers to be among the top lawyers in New York State.