World demand for flavors and fragrances -- including flavor and fragrance blends, as well as essential oils and other natural extracts, and aroma chemicals -- is projected to increase 4.3 percent per year to $23.5 billion in 2014.
Hartley-2 caught by Italian comet hunter
Astronomy - You are in command
Strong Earthquake Strikes Nayarit, Mexico
Northern Mexico Hit by Morning Earthquake
Barge Sinks in Nile River, One Hundred Tons of Diesel Spills
Flooding in Chad Leaves 70,000 Homeless
Click - Color camera on 16 inch telescope in Australia
If you have a home that you call your own it is normally desirable to style the outlook of your home in tandem with your ideas of beauty and aesthetics
Quake Hold Industrial illustrating the benefits of earthquake preparedness at office to keep the business functioning smoothly.
Volcano in Indonesia Erupts for the Second Time, 2 Dead
Heavy Rains Cause Landslides in Turkey, 12 Dead
Colombia Issues Alert for Galeras Volcano After Eruption
Tiger Found in Luggage at Thailand Airport
Chinese Man Jailed in Kenya for Possession of Illegal Ivory
Over 50 Pilot Whales Beached in New Zealand