
Lunchtime liposuction available to busy professionals

If you are a busy professional that would like to have liposuction, but just don’t have a lot of time to devote to surgery and recovery there is an option for you, water-assisted liposuction or Body-Jet.


Florida Senate passes legislation to crackdown on liposuction in unregulated facilities

In response to the deaths of four Florida women, who had liposuction in unregulated physician offices, the Florida Senate has passed a bill banning the procedure from being performed in unapproved facilities.


UK Doctors Say Ultrasound Liposuction Reduces Post-surgery Distress

If you have ever thought of having a liposuction to correct some or your figure flaws it is likely that you have done some research to see which type of procedure will give you the best results. And while the end results are important another fac ...


Plastic surgery and liposuction transcend beyond the rich and famous

Plastic surgery and liposuction are not just for the rich and famous anymore and is growing in popularity among the nation’s minorities and middle-class.


When exercise isn’t enough, liposuction can give you a trimmer body

Oftentimes, for whatever reason, individuals have extra fat in areas like the stomach, waist, hips or thighs. They may spend hours exercising to eliminate the fat, but despite their best efforts it just won’t go away.


Cosmetic Surgeon Offers Liposuction to Larger Size Patients

The majority of cosmetic surgeons won’t perform liposuction on a patient unless they have reached their ideal body weight and have been able to maintain that weight. The procedure is a viewed as a method to contour regions on the body that hold o ...


Research shows that Australians spend significantly more on plastic surgery than Americans

With all the celebrities and hype about liposuction and cosmetic surgery in the United States, one could conclude that Americans spend more on cosmetic surgery than any other country. But a new study shows that is simply not the case.


Liposuction can eliminate those muffin tops in time for spring

Once the holidays wind down, people often spend the winter months indoors. All this inactivity causes our waistlines to expand and we begin to develop muffin tops, unsightly fat that bulges over the top of our waist bands. With warmer weather app ...


What is the New Power X Liposuction System?

Dr.Pankaj Karan, MD uses Power X Liposuction System by Sound Surgical Technologies along With SmartLipo MPX to provide superior results to his customers. Combining post Liposuciton treatment with fine contouring using Viora Reaction by VioraMed ...


Cosmetic surgeon creates procedure to improve your looks on FaceTime

There are a lot of people, who are unhappy about the way they look in the mirror; the cosmetic surgery industry thrives because people look to procedures like liposuction and face-lifts to make them look more beautiful. But technology is creating ...


3D Imaging Helps Patients Decide if Liposuction is for Them

Surgeons can show a person before and after photos of patient who has already had a procedure, but that may not be enough for some patients. They need an idea of how they will look after the procedure.


Cosmetic Surgeon Releases Book to Inform People about Liposuction

Cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon, Jeffry B. Shafer has released a book intended to help people decide if liposuction is right for them. “A Patient’s Guide to Liposuction: How to make an Informed Decision,” covers a variety of topic pertinent t ...


Buffalo New York Teachers get Liposuction and Other Plastic Surgeries for Free

Buffalo, NY- As far as perks go; teachers in Buffalo have one of the best. These lucky men and women can have their liposuction or other cosmetic surgeries for free, paid for by the taxpayers.


Facelifts and liposuction can make you look younger

As it turns out plastic surgery actually makes a person look 7.2 years younger, according to a new study published in Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery.


Ultrasonic Liposuction Has Advantages Over Traditional Techniques

Over the years many different techniques have been developed to get rid of unattractive fat. With so many procedures to choose from, deciding on the right one can be difficult for the prospective patient. One technique called ultrasonic liposucti ...

Recent study shows that plastic surgery is safe and effective


Plastic Surgeons Offer Spring Break Discounts for Liposuction

Now that winter is winding down and it’s time to put away those bulky clothes that easily hide our figure flaws they some people may realize that they aren’t exactly looking trim and fit. Maybe you haven’t been able to follow your New Year’s Reso ...


Making you heart healthy can entail liposuction

February is Heart Health Month in order to raise awareness of the ways in which we can make our hearts healthier and prolong our lives. All across the country hospitals will hold heart screenings and give advice on a heart healthy diet.


Let liposuction give you a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit body

Every year Sports Illustrated releases their much anticipated swimsuit issue featuring today’s top models donning the latest swimsuit fashions, which will likely dominate beaches across the country this summer. The cover model Kate Upton is known ...


Bro-tox is a growing plastic surgery trend for men

Women have long known the laurels of cosmetic surgeries like Botox and liposuction and make up the majority of people seeking out procedures to enhance their appearance. But men are now beginning to flock to plastic surgeons in increasing numbers.