
Liposuction offers scar less breast reduction

Many women want to have their breasts enlarged and have made breast augmentations the number on cosmetic surgery in the U.S. But there is a flip-side and there are numerous women who have very large breasts, which can cause neck, shoulder and bac ...


Plastic surgery rises in US for second year

Even though we live in uncertain economic times people aren’t afraid to spend some their money on plastic surgery. The industry has experienced significant growth for the second year straight. According to statistics released by the American Soc ...


Choosing the right liposuction procedure requires the patient do some research

The plastic surgery industry has not only grown over the decade but many new innovative techniques have also been developed. Any person, who is considering liposuction, has a variety of techniques to choose from, but deciding which procedure will ...


Instead of chocolates consider plastic surgery for your Valentine

Valentine’s Day is for lovers and is less than a week away. People sometimes struggle to figure out what their sweetheart wants. Jewelry, flowers and chocolates are always a safe bet. But many men and women would love the gift of a better body, w ...


How to choose if liposuction or tummy tuck is right for you

How to choose if liposuction or tummy tuck is right for you. The stomach is one of the areas of the body that can cause a person much unhappiness about their body and lead to low self-esteem. Luckily, people can turn to plastic surgery to make th ...


Payday loan companies offer money for plastic surgery

Payday loan companies have been facing serious scrutiny in the U.S. for offering desperate people quick cash for steep terms. These companies also exist in the U.K. and are also facing serious scrutiny for targeting people who are unhappy with th ...

Mob Wives star obsessed with plastic surgery

Liposuction isn’t just for the belly

Doctors perform cosmetic surgery amid declining insurance reimbursements


Plastic surgery relatively unaffected by French breast implant scare

Plastic surgery around the world remains relatively unaffected by the health concerns caused by French manufacturer of breast implants who admitted they used substandard silicone.


Get bathing suit ready with liposuction

It may still be winter but it isn’t too early to think about or schedule liposuction so that when it’s time to hit the beaches you will look your best. One Miami plastic surgeon, Constantino Mendieta offers a procedure he has dubbed the Miami tho ...


Liposuction is a good way to get shapely arms

Spring is right around the corner and the summer is not far behind and that means it’s time for sun dresses, tank tops, and bathing suits. But some people shy away from sleeveless fashions because their arms are unshapely or have saggy pockets of ...

What you can expect after liposuction

Joan Rivers premiers second season with plastic surgery

It’s no secret that Joan Rivers has had plastic surgery and enjoys the fact that she combat aging with a nip and tuck here and there.

Get ready for spring fashions with liposuction

Cosmetic surgeons in the UK call for a ban on advertising

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons is calling for a ban on cosmetic surgery advertisements and stricter regulations on the industry, according to the BBC.

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner so its time to get fit with liposuction

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and you want to look your best. It’s no secret that Valentine’s Day is for lovers and often entails sexy lingerie if you’re feeling confident about your body.

Plastic surgery may get a little cheaper in New Jersey if Gov signs bill to eliminate surtax

If cost wasn’t an issue more adults would have cosmetic surgery

Choosing the right season for your plastic surgery