
Patriotic Foundation Good For The Country Is Now 501(c)(3)

Author and Columnist increases the scope and footprint of addressing and meeting boondoggle anti-hate, anti-violence programs.


Ask Me About 'Shall Not Be Infringed.'

The Clause means a lot more than guns - it means marriage, education, parenting and much more. How, exactly?

CBS's The Power Of 10 Stirs Interest In Gun Question.

Anti-crime policies aren't as interesting as self-defense, even to New Yorkers, it seems.

Which Republicans - If Any - Will Shoot Machine Guns At August GOP Fundraiser?

Now's their chance to show what they understand or don't understand about Original Intent.

Parker v. D.C. - If I Could Speak To The Supreme Court . . .

What is the most compelling argument for armed citizens? What can be left out of the argument? Indeed, what is the reason for disarming citizens against a right secured by law?

Guns On Campus: Advice To Nevada Colleges

Nevada Colleges are looking to solve school shootings, but are ignoring the smarter, more effective lawful solution other colleges model.

Official Critique Of Shootings Is A Trap For Citizens.

Observer is not surprised to see his forecast coming true: outright refusal of officials to hear citizen input.

Columnist Answers The NRA

Author and columnist John Longenecker speaks to the essay of former NRA Froman on the election to permit Supreme Court to decide what was already ratified by the Founding Fathers.

John Longenecker Answers The Brady Center..Again: Academic freedom And Guns Do Mix.

It's not a question of standing up to the Gun Lobby -- it's Liberty standing up to officials who obfuscate citizen authority.

Columnist Answers Brady Campaign's Demand For Stricter Gun Laws.

Citizen authority trumps campus policy; it's not part of the public trust to conceal one's individual authority from students.

School Shootings Recommendations: Respect Citizen Authority.

Two wonderful models already exist as solutions to school shootings. If only officials would stop obfuscating them both.

The School Shootings Solution: Not Guns, But Citizen Authority.

Some of the greatest objections to these shootings is the frustration of citizen involvement from the process of disaster planning and actual intervention.

Author and Columnist Says Congress Shares The Blame For Another School Shooting.

Author, Columnist and Non-Profit Chairman puts a great deal of the blame for every school and workplace shooting on Congress.

Author and Columnist Launches Patriotic Non-profit Organization

Charitable/Education Foundation identifies and meets adversity to our way of life.


Good For The Country Foundation Launches

Education and charitable non-profit identifies threats to personal sovereignty.

Columnist John Longenecker Calls For Nationwide Pilot Program Against Violent Crime.

Fighting Crime is easier than you might think! Try what works.

2008: Gun Control Candidates Need Not Apply.

Gun control should be ignored as an issue, but nationwide concealed carry could be a winning plank in your platform.

Author and Columnist Says S. 388 Is Huge.

Nationwide CCW Reciprocity Bill Introduced.

Conservative Columnist Makes Past Articles Available For Re-print For Free.

Author and columnist John Longenecker says a blanket yes to conservative online publishers seeking permission to reprint his past articles.

Columnist's Second Edition Book Says There's No Such Thing As Sensible Gun Laws In The United States.

Author and Columnist John Longenecker responds to anti-violence group calls for sensible gun laws.