Search engine filters limit the availability of information

By: Daun Lee

Facebook promotes campaign to discredit Google

By: Daun Lee

Google focuses on notebooks for Chrome OS

The internet has become one of the main influences in the way people get news, keep in touch with their friends and how businesses reach consumers. The importance of the internet is also apparent in the SEO optimization industry, which has explod ...

‘Like’ button on Facebook is valuable to internet marketing

By: Daun Lee

Bin Laden’s death breaks Twitter records

By: Daun Lee

Royal Wedding dominates internet and sets a YouTube record

The internet has become one of the primary means in which we receive information. Overtime the internet has become increasingly important to the news and market realm, which makes SEO optimization a vital tool for businesses.

Bombing in Morocco shared through social media

By: Daun Lee

Google Uses Pandas to Celebrate the Earth

By: Daun Lee

Indie Music Stars Fleet Foxes Encourage Illegal Downloads of their Music

By: Daun Lee

Digital Killed the Record Store, Not Yet

By: Daun Lee

An Audi A7 Wins in Auto Build Design Summit

While an Audi A7 might not be on the menu of Fort Lauderdale rental cars, there will still be plenty of luxury, efficient, economical, sports types, or SUV choices to choose from.

Google’s Panda Affects Some Page Rankings Negatively despite Ethical Practices

The majority of internet marketing firms use valid techniques to increase the quality of searches by providing unique and un-duplicated content. Others who use empty links and duplicated content give the SEO optimization companies a bad image des ...

Political Satirist Launches Tweet Campaign against John Kyl

By: Daun Lee

Search Engines use Social Media to Enhance Search Results

By: Daun Lee

Facebook CEO Branches into Hardware Development

Capitalizing on the internet traffic that Facebook gets could benefit advertisers and SEO optimization firms that learn how to reach their target consumers.

The Commodore 64 gets a New Life

By: Daun Lee

MetaSEO offers free internet marketing advice to customers

By: Tayna Gonzalez

SpyFu launches new SEO report service

By: Tayna Gonzalez

AT&T Acquisition could Affect Internet Businesses Along with Consumers

by Daun Lee

Color is the new wave in Social Media

by Daun Lee