
Report Shows 96 Percent of Businesses Reach Wider Audience Through Content

A new report by Outbrain, a content marketing agency, showed that almost 100 percent of businesses and brands use content on multiple social media platforms to drive traffic to their websites.


Law Firms Look to Social Media for Internet Marketing

Law firms have in the past shied away from integrating social media into their legal internet marketing campaigns. Despite their past reluctance the Washington Post reported that more and more lawyers are recognizing the advertising power of soci ...


Facebook Announces NEW Feature Which May Give a Boost to Internet Marketing

Facebook announced a new feature Thursday that can turn a person’s page into a “personalized newspaper” and give legal internet marketing on the social media site a boost.


Hofstra University and Internet Marketing Authority Team Up to Teach Digital Marketing

The demand to learn legal internet marketing has grown and many experts in the field and Universities are teaming up to offer people, hoping to break into the industry, classes which will give them an edge in this field. Hofstra University Contin ...


Tablet use increasing, emphasizing the need to cater legal internet marketing campaigns to users

Today Apple will release its third version of the iPad, which is generally a much anticipated event for fans of the brand. While their version of the tablet is popular, 55 million units of the iPad have sold worldwide; there are many other tablet ...


Google Announces Webinars to Teach Small Businesses About Legal Internet marketing

As a small business owner the methods of legal internet marketing can seem complicated and very few of them have the time needed to learn the process. But it is important to know how to use the internet for marketing, which gives them exposure to ...


Hispanic population important to internet marketing

Businesses and law firms looking to attract new customers may find that a legal internet marketing campaign aimed at the Hispanic population can prove to be advantageous.


Lawyers Uutspend President in Legal Internet Marketing Campaigns


Facebook Announces New Internet Marketing Tools

Facebook is the leader in social media and an important part of any legal internet marketing campaign. And now they have announced new initiatives that will help a brand or small business reach more of their users.


Seattle-based Portent Inc. Offers Free Internet Marketing Courses

Keeping up with the constantly changing world of legal internet marketing can be very difficult especially for a small business. They may not be able to attend industry conferences or read countless articles intended to help them stay abreast of ...


Twitter Gives Legal Internet Marketers Access to Archives

Twitter has teamed up with start-up DataSift to allow businesses and legal internet marketing firms access to their archives of Tweets. The Tweets, going back as far as 2010, will be used as marketing research for businesses. This information wil ...


Internet Marketing Firm Offers Open Forum to the Public

Business owners and entrepreneurs need constant access to legal internet marketing information, but there are few place they can get this access. Many different blogs and websites are dedicated to providing information that is one-sided and hard ...

UC Irvine offers spring internet marketing classes

Various universities and legal internet marketing experts are offering a variety of classes and webinars for people who want to learn how to market on the web or just brush up on their skills.


Brooklyn-based Ajax Union Offers New Webinars for Internet Marketers

Today, legal internet marketing is crucial to any business as consumers turn to the internet to obtain information, which can guide them in their buying decisions. By supplying internet users with information and testimonials from clients a busin ...


Getting Your Daily News Through Social Media is a Growing Trend

A new study by AYTM Research showed that 12.9 respondents to a survey said that they got their news from a social media website. The survey also found that 54.7 percent of the people surveyed found out about breaking news on Facebook and 19.9 per ...


Boise-based company hopes to connect local businesses with expert internet marketers

The internet has created many opportunities for small businesses to market locally and nationally at a minimal cost. Even though legal internet marketing can be an inexpensive way to reach consumers it can be a time consuming and a business may w ...


Informative content crucial to legal internet marketing

According to a report by GetElastic bounce rates for a landing page is between 70 and 90 percent while web pages that offer quality content have a bounce rate between 40 and 60 percent.


Google and Bing still leading search engines

The status of a search engine is critical information for any company that uses online marketing for a third party or their own website. A comprehensive internet marketing campaign will optimize a website for all search engines but knowing who is ...


Optimizing websites for mobile phones increasingly important for legal internet marketing

Smart phones were once a luxury, but are now quickly becoming more and more common. These handy devices give people access to the internet no matter where they are, this gives a person easy access to information about local businesses and service ...


Study shows Google+ users are predominately male

Google has introduced a number of social media platforms that have come and gone, but they have a hit with Google+. The number of Google+ users has grown and businesses and legal internet marketing firms have found it to be a critical tool for on ...